The preparation had once again started at full swing. There was never more of an excitement throughout the school as was there for the annual day. Reyan's play was going only too well. All the characters for the roles were decided and they were practicing their parts thoroughly​. Reyan clearly remembered the day he had gone to Mrs. Crick again after his storyline was dismissed once.

She had been sitting on the same teacher's chair in the same staff room as she did before. He knocked at the door and she nodded him in. After reading the script, a tight expression came upon her rough countenance​. She kept the script at the desk and folded her hands. She looked at Reyan and kept smiling. And he knew what he had to do.

From then on, Reyan was determined to make the Play the best thing in the whole function and therefore he was barking instructions like the 'Old Man of the house'. Manan and Zainab were in the lead role. Every member of their group was in some role or the other. Even Tanya and two of her friends were in the play, much to Manan's dislike. But he sighed once and accepted it anyways on the condition that Tanya would not speak to him throughout the play. Initially, Reyan denied the condition but seeing that Manan was too adamant on his demand, he agreed.

Days passed away in toiling for the function and Diwali arrived. Reyan was enthralled for the celebration. He had planned so much for the day and was looking forward to having a great time. He and his friends pooled in their money and brought innumerable crackers, lighters and diyas.

Diwali morning entered the country with a beautiful simmering sun and the air was rich with smell of various sweets and crackers. Children were running throughout the streets, their hands grasping small hand bomb crackers.

The celebration was in Manan's house and they all gathered up by seven. Adit and Raman's mouth remained ajar all the way till they reached the steps. It seemed as if they would fall back at the slightest touch. Even Riya, who had never visited the mansion, was awed at the magnanimity of the building.

They spent a couple of hours lighting up crackers after which Riya started speaking in some new language using her facial expressions. Within moments, all of them started making excuses to go back home. They thanked Manan for his hospitality and the fun time they had. At last, only Reyan and Manan were left.

Manan smiled at him muttering a Finally as Reyan smiled back. Manan took his hand and lead them both inside the house. They went to the Drawing room. They were just sitting upon the posh sofa when the doorbell rang. Manan opened the door and a shock came over his face. Standing before them were Manan's parents.

"Oh." Mrs. Mahajan said in a bleak surprise as she stared at Reyan.

"Well, hello. Happy diwali...?" His father said.

"Reyan. It's Reyan, my name, that is. It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Mahajan."

"Why of course Reyan, it is." His father said with such two-facedness that Reyan was taken aback. The man wasn't trying to hide it, neither in his tone nor his body language. They clearly wanted Reyan out of the house.

"He's staying over tonight." Manan snapped. There was hostility in his speech as if he would wage a war on them if they denied. Reyan felt happy and sad at the same time. His mother eyed Manan for a bit too longer until she said, "Okay."

Tanya came out of her room as soon she heard that her parents had returned.

"Oh Mumma, Papa! I thought you would not be coming until the day after tomorrow! It's such a nice surprise." She said and then she saw Reyan. She beamed at him, "Why, you. Let's go light up some crackers together in the terrace." She grabbed Reyan's hand and they went past the surprised expression of his parents. Manan however stayed back.

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