Bob Dylan catches her in his arms, hoping to get her to finally stop being so flustered. "Oh, my dear," he coos, "Let's just relax and enjoy the nighttime vibes, shall we?"

"Nighttime!" Lily scoffs, "It is mid fucking night! No offense to everyone, it when it comes to enjoying nighttime vibes, I prefer to do so in-,"

"Eh, eh," Keith interrupts with a chuckle, "No need to embarrass yourself by actually finishing that sentence..."

"Dammit, it's late, and I can think straight!" she whines.

Judy scoffs, "How cute... I almost always stay up past this. Granted, typically I'm not lost in the woods."

Makaila nods her head in agreement and her boyfriend Tony picks her up and begins to carry her bridal style (Tony is just nice like that), "I'd rather be back at camp, too."

"What have you got to complain about?" Mick whines, "Now that Tony is chauffeuring you around!"

Makaila huffs in slight frustration, gets down from off of Tony, takes an ice pack from her pocket, and chucks it at Mick. "You deserve that!"

Everyone immediately claps, and Gina shouts out, "Yeah, you go girl!"

Stephanie looks on in confusion, "But-but you guys are dating... I mean, I fully support your actions, but why, Gina?"

"Eh, it's a long story," Gina replies with a chuckle, "It'd be hard to understand. Anyways, I still love my Mickey."

Makaila sighs as she walks over to envelope Mick in a sweet hug, "Say, I'm sorry about the ice pack. It's just kind of my thing." Mick hugs her back quite eagerly, and then the two of them, Gina, and Tony all walk on together.

"But apologize for that!" Judy says.

"She loves the notion of Mick being whacked with an ice pack, don't mind my love," Bob says with a chuckle. He takes out some more boob weed, and then starts to smoke it. Man, Bob certainly smokes a lot of that stuff! It's incredible...

"I'm so damn tired," Chris Squire whines out. Why was I ever into him again?

"We all are tired," Tom cries out, "But we'll get back just fine."

"I really hope so," Kay adds in nervously. "I really do."

Tom wraps an arm around Kay and says, "Don't worry, love, I'll protect you anyhow, even if we are lost out here around midnight."

Just then, we all hear a rustling in the trees above. I shake in fear, and as does Sara, so the both of us hold each other in terror. WE WILL SUPPORT EACH OTHER.

Roger Waters scoffs, "Pff, you weaklings."

"Oh, be nice, Roger," Jane chuckles, "Or at least a bit more subtle."

"Come on, dear," Roger says, "I don't do 'subtle'."

The rustling keeps going in above, and I must admit, I am perhaps a bit intrigued at where the rustling is coming from. A drunken squirrel? A bear? A copulating couple? A writhing Grace? Something else entirely?

Oh, who knows!

Finally, a strange man peeks down from the tree, and squeaks out, "Ah, es ist mitternacht? Ja?" I have no clue who this is, aside from the fact he's obviously German. What is a random German guy doing out in these woods? I'm so confused and scared right now...

Sara peeks up, "Oh, yeah. It's midnight right now," and then she peeks down at her watch, "Exactly midnight."

"Bist du verloren?" he asks, raising his brows.

Lily smirks, "Ha! Hell yeah we're lost right now. Do you know how to get us out of these woods?" Oh, my God! Am I the only person around here that doesn't speak German or something?

"JA! JA!" he enthuses, "Folge mir!" Then, the man jumps down from his tree and starts running down the path. Most of us stand back, not sure what to do, except for a few of the people in your little group.

"Well," Sara says, "You heard him, slowpokes, follow him!" We all let out a collective "Ohhh....." and then start running after this strange German man. Grace continues making passionate love to Rod Stewart, now running along to keep up with the larger group.

"Dammit," Greg Lake laughs, "Carl and Elisa sure were smart for running away from this hiking madness. Thank goodness I, for one, am into jogging and keeping myself fit, otherwise this feat would be quite impossible."

"Yeah, yeah," Keith scoffs, "Quit bragging and just run, alright?" And with that, we all simply keep up running after this guy. I look over and see some of the guys trying to show off. Tom Petty even tries running faster then the man, but upon realizing he has no clue where he's going, sinks to the back of the crowd, much to Kay's amusement.


I still have no clue who this man is, where we are going, or what we are doing! I'm so scared, but it seems no one else is scared like me.... I could just cry right now! Someone hold me...

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