Chapter 2:

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   I hear the bell of the training centre chime signaling time to leave. As I go to collect my things I brush by Cato accidentally budging him.

"Oh sorry." I say, meekly.

"No, it's cool." He replies, without looking at me.

Then he turns around to see who he budged into and he is met by me.


   I turn around to see who walked into me and I can't believe who I see before me. Why it's little Clove.

"Oh, hi !" I say, sounding a bit too enthusiastic. She probably doesn't even remember me.

"Oh, hi." She repeats back but sounding slightly embarrassed if i'm not mistaken. She blushes only slightly, then I think she notices because she turns her head down and looks away for a moment. Regaining herself.

"Knifegirl." I wonder if she will reply with what i hope.

"Swordboy." She replies, smiling slightly just like she done in the training centre the first time we met. Only the smile has grew more beautiful. More enchanting. I can't help but smile myself because she does remember !

"Oh, well I kinda have to go, don't want to be late home." She says, moving her hands in the direction i'm assuming home is.

"Yea, yea, sure no problem." I try to sound as calm and carefree as possible without seeming arrogant but I can still detect the disappointment in my voice.

"Well see you later then." She says, smiles, waves, then walks off.

"Yea. See you later then." I watch her walk off, mesmerised. The sheer point of seeing her later brings excitement to me. I can't wait till training tomorrow.


   As I walk home down the dark path surrounded by trees I can't help but think of how excited and fluttery I feel inside. Talking to Cato for the first time in years makes me happy and he remembered about our first meeting in the training centre that makes me happier. But though all this happiness I must remain cold, dark and deadly on the outside if I am to stand a chance in these games.

Tomorrow is my last day of training before the Reaping. I must make it count. Yet I also feel that I must talk to Cato. I want to find out who from all the boys from District 2 is going to be volunteering at the Reaping in 2 days, and I hope to God it is not him.

I hurry along the road until i reach home, open the door, and go straight to my bedroom. Getting up at 5am means I sometimes have to skip dinner, but it dosen't bother me much. I wash my face, brush out my hair from my usual training centre ponytail, get changed and hop onto the mattress, lay my head on the pillow, pull the covers over me and try to decide whether I want to dream about winning the games or Cato.

I choose Cato.

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