40- Spilling the Bee's

Start from the beginning

Tea.. land of tea...

Idate Morino....

Wait! He's my cousin too!

I shook my head with a smile, can't wait to brake it to him. Perhaps I should call his name when I see him. Yes...

I could imagine it now.

Me yelling 'Morino-kun!'

He'd turn his head confused. 'Who are you, and these kids.'

Naruto would growl.

'Give me a hug.' I would say, glomping him. He'd probably think I was crazy.

'LET GO.' Idate would struggle.

'Asoka-sensei! What are you doing? Do you know him?' Sakura would ask.

'He's my long lost cousin.' I'd say with a grin, flying him around by his shoulders.



Sounds about right... If Tsunade would allow me to go on that mission, or not put me on a retarted Mission with Kaka-baka-nanja.

I then realized I had just stayed standing in my trance of thoughts.

I opened one of the scrolls and began reading and seeing every little detail as I learned everything inside of them. I was looking at genin level jutsus.


I already learned this with Musso-ka when I was younger.

I opened the next scroll. It hand the handsigns for summoning, and instructions on how it works.

I licked my thumb then hesitatingly bit it. It hurt like crazy. I looked at my thumb to see.... it wasn't bleeding.


"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??! ARE MY TEETH NOT SHARP ENOUGH TO BITE MY OWN THUMB?! AM I NOT MASOCHISTIC ENOUGH?!" I yelled to the sky. My thumb hurt, even thought it wasn't bleeding. "FUCK!" I took a kunai out with my other hand and threw it into a tree, it went all the way in. "FUCK!" I screamed again doing the same. "FUCKING BUCKETS!" 

I randomly grabbed a bucket from nowhere and put it over my head.

"I'd ship that." I said, my voice echoing.




I took of the bucket and threw it randomly into the forest, I heard clonks and bangs as it hit the floor and rocks. Then I instantly regretted it.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!! Its supposed to be filled and given to Mother Grub!"


I ran back into the forest and got the bucket and ran back to the training lake. Filled it with water and put it on the floor.

"Hahaha! Close enough!" I yelled, crossing my hands.

A fish was in the bucket, flopping around.

"I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" I picked up the bucket and threw its contents back into the lake. "MEH."

Sighing I sat down and closed my eyes.

Time to try again.

I bit my thumb, immense pain shot up and my thumb pulsed. I opened my eyes to see my thumb bleeding. Yay! (Sarcasm All over the place)

I followed the diagram and did the handsigns, then hit my hand against the floor, I could feel power strength. A poof escaped and in front of me was a big big BIG bee, I could barely make out the crown on its head.

"Insufferable Prick...who are you?" The voice boomed, sounding like a girl.

"I am Asoka, and I summoned you! I'D LIKE TO MAKE A CONTRACT WITH YOU" I yelled, hopeing that it would hear me.

"Ha! A mere Human, and a GIRL at that? Such lies! I will not make any such contract with a weakling as yourself." The 'queen' be said.

"Oh come on! I summoned you! Thats not fair!" I yelled jumping onto the nose of the bee to look at it in its honeycomb eyes.

"What is your last name, child?" The bee sounded grave and evil.

"Bara." The atmosphere around her became happy and excited all of a sudden.

"Really?! You're the princess? This is amazing! My name is Emihiro, Or Emi for short. The queen summoning of bees. So, you need a contract?" I nodded. She buzzed and poof, a contract appeared on her nose. "Sign it in your blood."

I winced and bit my clotted thumb, making it bleed again, and signed in English 'Asoka Bara.' Since I didn't know Japanese.

"What language is this?"


"I'm not sure if it'd work..."

"It'll work..." I felt assured.

"Alright... its official, your summoning is now Bees. We are a large group, a family. Take good care of us."

I nodded, and did a mock salute.

"Yes ma'am!"

I lay on her nose and looked into her honeycomb eyes.

"Hey... how does it feel to see in those eyes?"

"Theres a jutsu for that." She told me the handsigns, which I preformed. "Now say these words: Art of Bee: Comb Eyes. And send chakara into your eyes."

I nodded and did as she said. I suddenly felt as if there were screens all around me, like something touchable. As if I were in my own world of darkness in the middle, and everything was 2-D, it was amazing.



"I'll teach you some more."


"Alright, I should be going now, to tell the family the news. Farewell." I nodded a farewell and waved as she poofed off and disappeared leaving a giant cloud of smoke. It was dark. She taught me jutsus and the history of the bees that I would be using.

Its amazing.

I cant believe how epic my clan is.

BEES! They-I-Wha? ; v ;

Man. Epic. Awsome.

Then I heard leaping footsteps.

"There you are!"

- - - -

I have so many references in here...

I'll give you a hint with all of them, the rest I want you to tell me what it was. If you do get em, you get the satisfaction, and a dedi or something? I dunno c:

Buckets, Insuferable Prick: H---S---k


Lastly: Sorryyy forrrr sloww uploads and shortness..

((And clifthangers))






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