02| Up To No Good

Start from the beginning

"The past is past, forgive, forget," Carlos made his way over tables and under ledges, kicking a basket onto someone's head. "The truth is, you ain't seen nothing yet!"

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall," The girls leaned over a ledge, looking down as Carlos dragged Jay around on a swinging bar. "Who's the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world."

The kids all ran out into the square, pushing people and causing chaos, some of the other villains joined in as they all started dancing.

Everyone sang out as the five pushed their way to the front of the group, "I'm rotten to the core, core, rotten to the core. I'm rotten to the core, core, who could ask for more? I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door. I'm rotten to the...I'm rotten to the...I'm rotten to the core!"

Eli smirked as they all finished dancing, tucking a piece of green hair behind her ear while Mal glanced mischievously as a women rolled her baby in a carriage by. She then grabbed the lollipop the baby was holding, raising it up in victory causing everyone in the crowd to laugh out at the evil deed.

The laughter quickly died out and turned into screams of horror, Eli turned around, confused as to why everyone was running off, only to see Maleficent standing behind her.

Eli sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as Jay leaned down and whispered to her, "Mom alert." The two chuckled lightly at the boy's joke.

The horned woman looked down at Mal, "Stealing candy, really?"

Her daughter shrugged, "It was..from a baby?"

Maleficent chuckled darkly, smirking at the purple-haired girl, "That's my nasty little girl!" She then took the candy from Mal, spitting on it before holding it out to one of her goons, "Give it back to that dreadful creature."

Eli watched as Mal frowned slightly, "Mom-"

Maleficent rolled her eyes, leaning against her staff, "It's the deets Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil!" The woman stood up straighter, "When I was your age I was-"

"Cursing entire kingdoms, I know." Mal recited, having heard the speech on how to be really evil many, many times.

Maleficent then lead her daughter a few feet away, whispering to her. The remaining villain kids turned to each other.

"We still on for the bonfire tonight at your place?" Evie glanced over at the green haired girl as she pulled out a tube of lipstick and began applying it, looking down at her reflection in a murky puddle on the ground.

Eli nodded, her arms crossed over her chest, "Yeah, hey Carlos, bring one of your mom's coats. I bet they're really flammable."

The son of Cruella gulped, his face becoming whiter than his hair as he shook his head, "No way! My mom will totally notice! She'll skin me alive...and then make a coat out if it!" Eli rolled her eyes, about to yell at the boy for being a party killer before Jay put his arm around her, ceasing her from walking over to the De Vil boy.

"It'll be fine." The beanie wearing boy assured the green haired girl, "Carlos and I will go scrounge up a bunch of things. Hey, we'll even grab something from Anthony."

Eli thought for a moment, before nodding at the two boys. The thought of burning something of the know-it-all Tremaine boy sent a wicked smile across her face.

"Oh!" The teens all then looked back to see Maleficent staring at them, "I have news! You five have been chosen to go to a new school...in Auradon!"

Jay tried to bolt, Carlos almost fainted, Mal's mouth fell open in shock, Evie dropped her tube of lipstick, and Eli felt like she was melting then and there.

Just as the kids all tried to make a run from it, in hopes that they wouldn't have to go to the Land Of Happily Ever After, they were grabbed by Maleficent's goons.

Eli sighed as the goon put her down after a second, but stood protectively behind her so she wouldn't try and run again.

"Mom!" Mal called out, "We are not going to Auradon!"

The Wicked Witch's daughter nodded, walking over to stand next to my friend, "I am not going to a school with giggling pink fairies!" She scrunched up her nose as she thought of her mom's worst enemy, Glinda.

The purple-haired girl nodded, putting her hands on her hips, "Or pretty princesses!"

Evie then ran up behind the two girls, a dreamy look on her face, "Or perfect princes!"

Mal and Eli both looked back at the blue-haired girl in disbelief. She was definitely not helping.

Eli glanced over at Jay as he spoke out, "Yeah, and I don't do uniforms, unless it's leather. You feel me?" He held his hand out to Carlos for a high-five, but the younger boy ignored it.

"I hear they have dogs in Aurdon." Carlos said shakily as he walked over next to Evie, "Mom says their vicious pack animals who eat boys that don't behave."

Eli rolled her eyes as Jay woofed in Carlos' ear, causing the white-haired boy to jump three feet in the air.

Mal ignored the two boys, looking back at her mom, "Yeah, we're not going!" Eli nodded, there was no way she was going to Auradon.

Maleficent rolled her eyes, "You're thinking small pumpkin, It's all about world domination!" She then turned around, glancing back as she walked, "Mal!"

Mal glanced back at her four friends in disbelief, before rolling her eyes and running to catch up with her mother.

Eli scoffed as Mal beckoned the others to follow her. She traded an annoyed look with the other four before turning on her heel and stalking after Mal.

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