Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Randy drives me home and my mom is there cooking dinner. I left my keys in my bedroom so we have to ring the doorbell.

my mom comes to the door wearing an apron with sauce all over it.

"hi, mom I have some good news"

"oooh what is it?"

" I have a boyfriend"

" who is it?"


"Seriously! Honey that's great!"

Randy comes in and eats dinner and stays for a while and watches X factor with us.

Randy and I kiss, but just a peck, and he leaves.

I watch TV for a while but I get tired so I go to bed.

I slept in until 9:30 and then I lay around in bed until 11:00 when Randy calls and asks if I want to go out and do something but, I feel too depressed to do anything. Randy comes over and lounges around on the sofa with me all day and asked me why I was feeling depressed and to be h0nest, I really don;t even know so I say " I dunno" and lay my head on his chest. Around 4:00 I ask randy to leave so I can be alone. We kiss goodbye and he leaves. I go into my room and I look at my arms, they are covered in cuts. I start to cry because of how ugly my arms and body are, and I wonder why Randy could kiss me,hug me, cuddle with me, and say he loves me when I'm so depressed and ugly.

I find my blades and I cut up my arms. Randy is right, I need to tell my mom. I'm too scared, I'm scared that she'll think I'm crazy for cutting myself.

I start crying and call randy and tell him to hurry over.

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