chapter 3

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Randy I check into the hospital to see my dad, and a nurse escorts us to my dads room. The lights are dim and my mom is kneeling next to his hospital bed talking to him. When we walk in my mom looks up and so does my dad, they both say "hi". My dad has two broken ribs, a broken leg, a fractured wrist, a concussion and his face is all bandaged up, I'm assuming from the shattered glass. I ask what happened and my mom said that my dad was about to turn and a drunk driver came from the opposite direction and hit his car at 90 mph. I asked about the drunk driver and if he was okay and what happened to him, and my mom told me that he is in critical condition because he broke both ribs and punctured a lung, and has alcohol poisoning. My mom says that my dad should be out of the hospital in about 2 weeks. I ask to speak to my mom in the hall.

"How is he going to afford this, his insurance barely covers a well checkup?'

"the drunk driver luckily has really good insurance with med pay, and he is.. lets just say well off and he offered to pay for all of the medical bills and would pay for anything we need or want because he feels bad for being so irresponsible and putting his life and others in danger."

"okay good."

Just to clarify, my parents are divorced but they are still best friends, I know that normally divorced couples hate each other but mine are like best friends which I think is pretty cool. I leave the hospital around nine and I go over to margo's house. Margo and I order pizza at 3 a.m. and stay up all night talking and watching old movies like Pretty in pink and The breakfast club. In the morning when it's time for me to go home Margo and I are changing out of our pajamas Margo notices my arm,

she asks " Emmie, What's that on your arm?!"

"oh nothing, I don't know what you're talking about'

She drops it until we're dressed and I sat down on her bed and she asks again

" Em, seriously what's on your arm? I won't tell anyone"

I pull up my sleeve and show her my cuts and I start crying she hugged me and said that she used to cut but stopped after she started counselling, which helped her deal with her feelings better. She said that she was there for me 24/7 and that if I needed to talk she will listen and help. I tell her thanks and I get my stuff together because I was getting ready to leave. I called my mom to see if she could pick me up and she said that she was still at the hospital but, she called Randy and he said he could take me home if I needed. I called Randy and he came and picked me up Randy asked me where I wanted to go and I said home because I wanted to be alone. Randy drove me home and walked me in and tried to get me to talk to him because he thinks that I am upset which I'm not I'm just really tired. We turned on the T.V. and Friends was on, we started talking about how weird it would be to have your best friends live with you and in the same apartment building. I ended up falling asleep on the sofa and I slept until 5pm. I dreamed about me being Randy's girlfriend and when I woke up I realized how much I liked him.

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