Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

When I woke up my mom and Randy were next to my bed. My mom was crying, she looked worried.

"mom? I'm sorry I didn't tell you.. I know I should've but I was too scared."

" Emianna, you can tell me anything."

"okay I will"

"How long will I have to stay in the hospital?"

"about three days, you're on suicide watch"

"But I didnt try, I just cut."

"yes I know, but this is just a precaution

trust me."

" okay."

my nurse named Anita walked in and told Randy and mom that visiting hours are over, and they both kissed me and said bye.

The three days went by really fast, its all kinda a blur because I was asleep for most of it, and when I was awake I was either in therapy, group, or doing a activity organized by the therapist. On my last day in the hospital before I left, they asked me a whole bunch of questions like if I feel like harming myself or others and if I was scared to go home and if I had any final concerns.

Around 4 My mom and dad come and pick me up. Oh yeah, and apparently while I was in the hospital my dad got out. I was so happy to see him up and walking around I started crying tears of joy. Thank god that My dad and I are alive.

My parents take me out to dinner and then take me home.

"we have a surprise for you." they say in unison

"go to your room"

I'm suspicious but I follow their orders.

I go in my room and they have completely redone it.

"wow. thank you" I say as I walk in my room.

" don't thank us, thank Mr.Reed he paid to get your room redone."

"wow its amazing, I love it!"

my room had band posters, pictures, and quotes on the walls, and I got a turquoise bedspread, and I have black sun blocking drapes. My room also has a stereo that hooks up to my Iphone, and a big dresser for my clothes. I also have a GIANT book case for my books.

I start to cry because of Mr. Reed's generosity.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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