Chapter 14

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---Lotor's POV---
Lance has been in the torture chamber for 3 weeks. Though I am pretty sure in the false reality he was living in, it was months. After he 'snapped' my neck he fell to the floor and passed out. Haggard found me barely alive and revived me. She then asked me what to do with Lance. Put him in the chamber I told her. And she did and there he has been. I carried Lance, who was now asleep in my arms, down the hallways and into my bedroom.
My, how I've missed him. I just want to take a bite out of him. During his time in the chamber it has revealed a lot about Lance. And the things we have in common.
Gently, I laid Lance down on my mattress. He squirmed as I placed him under the covers. He's so cute.
I crawled into the space next to him and wrapped my arms around him. Sub consciously Lance moved towards me so, his back was pressing against me.
My love and desire for you have doubled tenfold.
"You will be mine Lance McLain, I promise you that." I whisper into his ear and my lips stretch into a smile. Then slowly I closed my eyes still smiling.

---Lance's POV---
-le nightmare-
I was surrounded by mirrors. It was like one of those fun house mazes at carnivals, except this wasn't fun.
"Lance" A male voice calls out to me. Taunting me.
"~Lance~" The voice singsongs.
"Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?" The questions come spilling out of me.
Suddenly, Lotor appeared in all the mirrors.
"~Lance~, aww don't look so scared. I'm here now." Lotor whines, "Or do you want to see a more familiar face?" Lotor changed to Shiro.
"Or how about these?"
Shiro changed to Keith. Keith to Hunk. Hunk to Pidge. Pidge to Coran. Coran to Allura. Allura to Upon seeing my mother's face she stopped changing and I took a sharp breath and a step backwards.
"Lancelot McLain, don't you dare step away from your mother!" She lectures me.
"C-change back to anyone but, her. P-please." I begged. Tears welled in my eyes and the creatures changed back to Lotor.
"Aw, what's wrong Lance? Worried that the only mother that you ever had would be disgusted to look at you?"
"Stop it. My mother will always love me."
"Even if you're tainted?" He questioned.
"Y-y-yes she would?" My voice sounded meekly and more like a question.
"You sure about that? I mean who would want a son like you? Someone who has killed people, someone who has lost their spirit, someone who cowers at well...anything..."
"Stop it please. Please. Stop." I ramble as I felt my cheeks grow heavy and my vision blur.
"~Lance! WAKE UP!~"
-end of le nightmare-
"Lance! Wake up!" Lotor demanded while shaking me. I let out a whimper and my eyes flutter open.
"Hey, Lance...Shh...shh...It's all right now. You were just having a bad dream." Lotor said while petting my hair and cradling me. I sobbed into his chest.
"You're all right now...Shh...You're okay it was just a bad dream. I'm here now. It's okay."
I cried and cried and cried and cried until I couldn't anymore. I felt sick and I instantly moved to the side of the bed and started dry heaving. All the while Lotor was there trying to comfort me and rubbed soothing circles on my back. When I was done dry heaving Lotor picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. We were silent the whole time. I was sit and still crying except the tears were silent this time. Lotor began cleaning me up. I didn't protest as he removed the clothing I was in until I was in nothing but, my boxers. As he eased me into a bathtub and softly began scrubbing my hair. Lotor was humming to himself a song that I didn't know.
"Why did you pull me out?" I whisper.
"Out of the nightmare or the chamber?" Lotor questioned.
"Both..." I replied waiting for an answer but, got none. Then finally he spoke,
"I got you out of the chamber because your brain activity was going off the charts, your heart rate was increasing to the point where it could have collapsed and...because I missed you. I pulled you out of the nightmare because you would have done the same for me. You and I, Lance, we're not that much different. We were both abused by our fathers, we both have mothers that could have done something to stop it, we both are haunted by our past, and we both are seeking true love. And that's just to name a few." Lotor responded.
I was about to argue and deny it. But what was the point? It was all true.
"You probably have realized that by now what I've told you is true. Lance, I am going to make you a solemn promise right now. I will never lie to you. I will never try to deceive you of the truth. I will be so good to you, I promise." Lotor promised me.
I was frozen though. His words repeated in my head. I will be so good to you. I promise. I will be so good to you. I promise. I will be so good to you. I promise.
"Okay...may I ask another question?" My voice was a void of emotion. I felt empty.
"Sure." Lotor said.
"Did my teammates even bother to come looking for me?" I ask and waited for the Galra Prince to respond.
"For the first week. Then when they tried to come and save you, they got the wrong ship. Voltron saved another human named Matt, I think. As far as I have heard they believe you're dead and Matt is now the Blue Paladin." Lotor told me. His words were nothing but, the truth.
"Huh," I scoff, "Some teammates."
"I am sorry. Truly." The prince apologized to me.
"Can I ask you to do something for me?" I ask hesitantly.
"You may."
"Kill me." I finally said it.
"Please." I begged. My voice broke as I said those words.
"I am not going to kill you. I am never going to let that happen either."
"Then I'll do it myself." I mutter.
I felt something grab my cheeks and turn me to face a certain prince. Then he smashed his lips onto mine. At first I tried to pull away but, then I melted into the kiss. It felt so good.
Lotor pulled away and we were both breathless. He straightened himself up and cleared his throat.
"Lance I have a proposal for you."
I nod my head showing him that I heard what he said.
"Join me. Stay with me. I can show you that there is something worth living for. You don't have to be the loyal dog of Voltron. You can be a prince. You won't be alone or feel alone anymore because I'll be there. I have already promised to be good for you and I will. No matter what. I want to help you. I want you. I want you scars and all. Please, Lance be mine. I love you."
I couldn't move from his gaze and my mind repeated everything he just said to me.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Should I do this? My teammates have long since betrayed me. My family thinks I'm dead by now. Hell, the whole universe does by now. There is nothing left for me. Nothing except this man before me. And this man just offered me everything I ever wanted. Just said everything I wanted to hear. He may be evil but, damn the world.
"Okay." I agreed and nod my head in conformation.
Lotor's devilish smile stretched across his face.
"Lance, you have just made me the happiest person in the universe. You will not regret this. You will be happy soon too."
I simply nodded my head.
"Lance, do you trust me?"
Again I nod my head.
"Then I want you to know I am doing this to help you."
Then everything went dark.

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