Chapter 15

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London's Point Of View-
I couldn't take it anymore, it was driving me crazy. "Ok fine." I state and get up looking at all of them. "Silencer, I've chosen." I say quickly and my friends make noises that sounded like 'No!' I wasn't paying attention though. Suddenly I hear the whistling and I turn around, he was a few meters away, enough to be close, but not enough to be invading my space. "Oh?" She haunted voice echoed around us. "I want it to be me." I say and am cut off. "No, I want it to be me." A low voice says and I glance away from the Silencer to see who spoke. It was Winston.

"Winston are you crazy?! No!" CQ hisses and stands up beside him, gripping his arm tightly. His gaze didn't move from the Silencer, knowing it would probably attack. "Hmm...Both great offers. But I feel you can all die without food. Because who does the hunting?" The Silencer growls and a snapping noise is heard before CQ let's out a cry. I glance back and see no more Winston. "Sh*t!!!" Jackie says as she looks at where he was. Before turning her head to the Silencer who was there with Winston. My mind didn't register what was in his hand until CQ sobbed. "He's holding a knife to himself."

"I-I'm sorry CQ, Jackie and London. You're all my friends, and CQ you're my girlfriend but I can't bear to see you guys die, I'm sorry you have to see this...I love you." Winston yells at us. We couldn't look away, if we did something would happen but instead we saw a pointy hand thing go through him and all I heard was ringing. Or was it screaming? CQ collapsed beside him screaming and crying as his eyes filled and his body fell. The Silencer was still there even through CQ's screams, Jackie's cries and the ringing I could hear it laugh and it p*ssed me off.

           Suddenly I saw red and started to move towards the Silencer. "You low son of a b*tch!" I growl lowly at him, but Jackie holds me back as she cries. I rip out of her grip and go to Winston, CQ meets me there. We didn't care the Silencer was there, we cared that our friend, CQ's boyfriend was gone. He wasn't even bleeding that badly. But it went through him. I had a feeling he wasn't going to survive like the rest of us. His eyes were still wide and brimmed with unshed tears, so I gently move my hand over his face, enough to close his eyes. To hide his dimmed gaze.

CQ sobbed and Jackie finally came over, By she was shaking. I wanted to get angry at her for worrying over the Silencer more than her friend. CQ and I were whispering sorry's and gentle words to Winston and when I looked over at Jackie, she had met the same fate as Winston. Both of them were dead. "You f*cking monster-" I start but the Silencer was gone. I start crying, CQ cried more but I just cried. It wasn't silent, I couldn't make noise. They were gone. "I want to bury them." I state and CQ turns and glares at me. "No, they aren't dead. They won't be. They CANT be." She says, trying to convince herself but I wasn't stupid.

I say softly as she tries to wake them up, sobbing. I wanted to cry, I did. But I couldn't. All I could do was have my dad and pained gaze on them and wince. "CQ we have to keep going." I mutter as she finally gets up, covered in their blood and looks at me. "Y-Yeah..." She whispers and I sigh. "We should move them into the shed, just so animals and stuff..." I trail off and she nods, agreeing with me. The shed was only a ways away so I take Jackie and she takes Winston. As I walk back to the shed, slightly dragging Jackie I hear CQ whispering how they weren't dead, but she was smarter than that too.

       Once they're in we both stare at our friends, they were gone. Souls in heaven or hell. "I bet Winston is in hell." I say jokingly but CQ gives me a look and I shut up. Chewing my lip I turn away. "We need to find food." I state, noticing how hungry I was and CQ nods softly. "Yeah...Lets Go." And off we go.

A/N Hello...I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. I had/have huge writers block and it's difficult. I'm trying to get through a kind of sh*tty time and I'm pretty disappointed that it's only getting worse. Anyway school is bad, friends well I barely have them at my school 😂. Family I guess. But yea I just might be taking a quick break. This chapter isn't as long as my other ones but I did update at least. Plus a lot of stuff happened, were you expecting it? Don't worry thy won't be dead forever...Or will they? I'm so tired xD any I love you all, I do hope you enjoy the chapter. I'm not sure when I'll update again. Love you all. Later fellow failures.

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