Chapter 13

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    Jackie's Point Of View-
                    I like this moment. It was raining, we had our lips in smiles and occasionally a small laugh would leave someone's mouth it's perfect. But we weren't, the moment ended quickly when the clouds started coming in and the loud whistling started up again. I groan. "Can't we have a break?!" I exclaim and suddenly I hear sobbing. I look at CQ and London, they were well. CQ was fine. But London wasn't crying. All three of our gazes go over to Winston, who is literally sobbing. Real crocodile tears. "W-Winston why are you crying pretzels?!" London exclaims and I face palm. CQ sighs and hugs Winston, rubbing his back. "I-it's just I wish we weren't in here! I'm scared." he sobs.

       I glance away as his loud sobs turn to small sniffles. He stops crying, but he looked like he melted. He's so emotional. CQ stayed by him as London started talking to a tree near her. I sigh, almost disappointed but at least she isn't being an attempted assassin like I I keep trying to fight it off but who knows now. The whistling gets louder and I cover my ears, everyone except London does. Like it had no effect on her. We all turn towards the shed, to see it was smashed the pieces and we hear London laugh loudly. I turn first and a breath leaves my lips. "Holy sh*t." CQ says. London was looking right at the Silencer, confused. "Hiiii, I'm London!" She smiles and holds her hand up. We all let out a breath, Winston starts crying again.

        "As long as we don't look away, nothing will happen." CQ whispers and we nod, but continue staring. London was staring at him and back at us. "GUYS THE SILENCER IS BEHIND YOU!" She exclaims and points behind us, terrified. I felt breathing on the back of my neck and I turned, not noticing the others did the same. There was nothing there though. "Sh*T!" I exclaim and spin back around but the Silencer and London were
No where in sight.  "We f*cked up." Winston sobs and I close my eyes. Everything was screwed from the very moment we stepped foot in this forest.

      CQ looks at me from beside Winston. "We should go find her right...?" I trail off and CQ nods, even Winston nods. "Which way would they have gone?" CQ asks and my eyes move to where London was before she was gone. "I say we follow the glowing liquid." I point out, there was a neon night green trail of that stuff from glow sticks. "Where did she even get one?" Winston asks, CQ and I shrug, but we start following the trail.

         "How is that possible?" Winston murmurs as the trail comes to a stop in a creepily open spaced area. "Down?" We look down, doesn't look like there's anyway down there. "Up?" I try and we look up. Only the stars. "Left?" CQ says but was cut off by Winston yelling 'Right!'. We all turn and there was a faint but obvious blue glow trail. "Maybe he isn't always stupid." I murmur to myself and Winston starts wailing like a child again. "God it's like having hormonal emotions all over again!" CQ says and I crack a small smile.

       It felt like it's been hours by the time we get to our destination. "I see a building!" Winston says and points, where in he distance there was a small building. We all start running, only to stop right in or tracks once were a few meters away. "How is that possible?" I ask as CQ looks around. "We're back at the shed." She states and I frown. "Why and how?". Suddenly Winston's eyes widen. "Maybe there's something under the shed?" He offers and we all go back inside. I step on a few pieces and they make a weird creepy rotting wood sound. We immediately go onto our knees and try to pull at the floor boards. I make a small grunt noise as I try and pull it off.

Finally Winston rips a piece off and I say how it's a bit of a hole, but it needs to be bigger. We continue to pull at the boards, but not all of them. "Any volunteers?" Winston offers and sighs. "Fine I'll go first." He says and puts his hand through, feeling around the area with his hand before he goes in and makes an 'Ahhhh.' Sound until we can't no longer hear it. I look at her, she immediately goes first and I waited for a few minutes before going in. When I land I cough slightly, from the dust.

I glance around with raised eyebrows. Surprisingly it was clean...of course"Wow." I breath out as I spot a very expensive rug. I hear a small sounds, like giggles? We follow the sound to see London there, literally there. Staring at a wall.
"London?" CQ breaths out and she turns to us and squeals happily. "Besties!" She smiles as she runs to is and stops in front of us.
"It said you would come!" She says, her voice now calm and all insanity from her eyes gone. Her pupils were huge, almost like there was no iris. "Sh*t you guys, she's under the control of the Silencer!" I exclaim and they go o back up, except there's only a wall. "How?" Winston whimpers, God please don't cry. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO CRY!
"You see that's how it works. The Silencer lets us survive, he throws some obstacles in the way. Ruins some things and then it happens." London says darkly.

        I didn't dare to ask what happens, but CQ did. "What happens...?" She trails off slowly and London grins, it was the most sarcastic smile I had ever seen on her. "It comes." She whispers, until her eyes go back to normal. "What, happened?" She asks confused, it seemed even childish her was gone.
Back to her normal smart self. We all glance to her and then hear a dark dark chuckle. Her eyes widen as we all move our gazes across the small room. There it was, the Silencer. There was always a whistle sound when he was around, even know. It wasn't as loud but it was quiet either. "I hope you enjoyed life..." it spoke. It's voice was dark and cruel but it had nothing in it.

         "What do you mean?" Winston sobs and if we were in any other situation I'd tell him to woman up, but I'm close to crying too. "I hope you enjoyed it, because I'm about to end it." It was such a dark sentence that left a scary chill in the air. He had no mouth, but the words echoed around us, like it was in our heads. He didn't come closer, but you could feel that more danger was starting to come closer. Which also meant the end of our lives was coming closer too.

A/N *Casually walks on* Uhhhhh....*Casually walks away*
Love you all, later fellow failures.

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