Chapter 10

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London's Point Of View-
"Sh*t guys, it's Jackie. We have to help her!" I exclaim and Winston shakes his head. "If I were you, I wouldn't fall for her tricks again. You almost got killed.
More than once!" He exclaims and I sigh. I suppose he was right, I just wanted my friend back. "It's Jackie though, we've been together since the beginning." I start. CQ nods hesitantly. "Do you really want to make the for musketeers a trio?" She asks Winston and he sighs. "We'll save her, but if we get her now. We will die." He says and CQ and I nod.

Jackie got up from where she laid and stood there. She looked down right terrified. For some reason...It felt like she was back. The real her. I wish the Silencer wasn't here or this would be one of those amazingly happy cliche scenes. I step forward but CQ grabs my arm. I was always the one who didn't listen. I sigh looking at Jackie, even with the distance-her form was physically shaking. I traced the wood of the shed side. Winston looked out the door at Jackie.

I swallow. She takes a few steps towards us, a small scared whimper leaving her lips. We kept our gaze on the Silencer. It felt as if my soul was darkening and I had to look away. I then realized CQ and Winston had glanced away with pained expressions, probably mirroring mine. Then we all realized. "JACKIE!" CQ screams as she turns around. Jackie had her hands on her stomach, the Silencer right behind her. It took me a few moments to notice that there was a blood seeping through the spaces between her fingers. "Sh*t. No!" I whisper and ran forward, Winston and CQ tried to grab me, but I was right out of their grip. Jackie dropped to the ground and I sob. I shake her slightly whispering her name.

I look up to the Silencer, my breath hitching. I couldn't breath. I could CQ and Winston trying to pull me away. But my gaze didn't leave the Silencer's. Jackie whispered something weakly and I glanced down. Not caring if I died. I took off my already ripped flannel, I had a dirty grey t-shirt on underneath. I cautiously tied it around her midriff. "J-just go." She coughs slightly and I shake my head. "No." I whisper. I look up, the Silencer gone. Winston and CQ running up behind me and landing on their knees beside me. "We have to help her!" I whimper. CQ was crying silently and Winston as usual tried to block out his feelings and nodded grimly.

I grab her under arms and Winston grabs her legs, CQ was there, holding her back for extra support. We quickly bring her into the shack and lean her down carefully. She was conscious but you could tell she was in pain. "I'm sorry this happened to you." CQ whispers to her and Jackie gives a grin and pained smile. "It's karma for accidentally almost killing you guys." She breaths out. I sigh. "It's not your fault, the Silencer is doing something to us." Winston says, his voice 'calm'. He was scared, but he refused to show it. "I'll go get leaves." I mutter and CQ grabs my arm. "I should go with you. Two and two." She says as she glances between the three of us. Winston nods and continues to try and help Jackie.

CQ and I stayed silent for a long while as we walked. "I think she'll be ok." CQ whispers finally. I glance over at her as we look for leaves. I grab some that weren't dead, they were slightly soggy but it won't be as bad for her wound. It went right through her midriff. How was that possible, how was she alive? I then notice a pale indigo colour on a bush. My gaze moves up more. Berries. I reach out and take one. "Are they safe?" CQ asks. "I don't know, I'm just...starving." I murmur. I pop it into my mouth and let out a soft sigh at the sweet taste. It had a tinge of sour but overall it was satisfying my hunger.

CQ glanced over at me, worried. "It's alright. They taste fine." I say as I lick my lips and stand up, with a pile of leaves, the same amount that CQ had. "London I just, don't want to lose a friend. I almost lost you and now I might lose Jackie. I don't want to lose anyone." She says, her voice full of a heavy sorrow. "You won't." I sigh as we start to walk back. I look up at the gorgeous yet dark sky. "I never thought I'd say this but I miss the sun." I mutter. CQ looks over at me with eyes as wide as saucers. "If you want the sun, then it's obvious you're hungry and dehydrated." She says and I smile softly with a nod as we get back to the shed.

Soon as we did, Winston lifted her shirt slightly and pressed the leaves to her wound. "What did it get you with?" I ask as I glance at her. She seemed more awake, but slightly more stressed out. "It's arm? Body part? I don't know. It was just in general. No real weapon." She says and I wince. It sounded bad. "Here CQ I'll check your wound." I say as I peel back the dried leaves. "Woah..." I whisper. "The's gone..." I mutter. CQ looks confused as she looks at her shoulder. "No London...It's still there...It's healing though." She says and I frown. "No no, it's gone." I say, my words sounding puzzled. Winston looked over. "No, London the wound is still there." Winston says and I look at Jackie who nods in agreement with the other two.
"But how?" I whisper.

To me, her skin looked perfectly fine. Like there was nothing there to begin with. My wound was really gone though. I was confused about everything. "I think I'm hallucinating..." I trail off sheepishly, guessing the reason. Winston looked at me. "How are you hallucinating, you've been fine." He questions. Suddenly a Look came upon CQ's face. "She ate some berries, claiming they were fine. They were a pale indigo and she said they tasted sweet with a tinge of sour." CQ explains and Winston rubs the bridge of his nose. "Dammit London." He sighs. "Those berries make you hallucinate and then you get this really sh*tty fever." He sighs. I swallow. "Oops?" I mutter and change the leafs on CQ's shoulder despite not seeing any injury.

       I let out a groan. "Guys I'm so cold." I whisper as I physically shake violently, I felt like an ice cube in the Pacific Ocean. "No no/I'm really hot now." I say as I try to make a cold breeze. "Why did it have to start now?" Winston breaths out, CQ and Jackie shrug while I stand there shivering my arse off.

A/N Do do do, hello. I'm in a good mood, the book has been going good as far as I can tell. Hopefully my friend actually reads it 😑. Anyway love you all, later fellow failures.

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