Chapter 14

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CQ's Point Of View-
         Something was different. He wouldn't move but I felt as if something was coming. "Choose who dies first." His dark and demanding voice, echoed around us and I tensed. I stayed close to Winston as I drew in a breath. "We have to choose?!" London shouted at him. He doesn't say or do anything. "Pick me." I hear and we all turn to Jackie. "Are you insane?! No!" London says and I agree, shaking my head. "Come on, why not? I've tried to kill people multiple times in the time we've been here, and even if we do get out. Where's the proof I'll go back to normal?" She asks and I think. She was right, and I heard Winston whimper out a 'no'.

It was weird, my boyfriend was actually like a child with a teddy bear. In this scenario I'm the teddy bear, he won't let me far away from him, which is sweet. But dude, I need space. "No, no way in h*ll am I letting you do that...Let me die." London says and my lips part. "No, I'm not letting you die-" I start, but London cut me off.  "So you're open to the idea of Jackie dying but not me?" She asks, I sigh. "No it's not like that." I try again but Winston cuts me off. "It sort of sounds like that." He says quietly.

     I inwardly groan, now was so not the time Winston. "CHOOSE!" The dark voice of the Silencer screamed at us and London held her hands to her ears, a pained expression on her face. Jackie was just staring off. Winston was whimpering. I could feel the anger that's not usually there start to break and I let out an almost growl. "Now is so not the time to be acting like this!" I scream at them. "Says you!" Winston says and I groan. I'm about to have a fight with mr.pouty face. "Shut up!" I groan at him and he starts crying. Then we all freeze when a deep, dark chuckle echoes around, we all look back to the Silencer. "You're all fools and I find it...amusing. Like rats in a maze." It says deeply. "Isn't it mice in a maze?" I mutter. "I'll give you more time to choose...if one is not chosen by midnight tomorrow, all of you die." It says and it all goes black.

      Once I wake up, I see London is up, staring at a small fire it seems she made. Jackie and Winston were still asleep on both sides of us. "Look London I'm-" I start but she shakes her head. "You didn't do anything wrongs, but we will have to choose." She says, not taking her eyes off the fire and I sigh, knowing she's right. "The Silencer is a d*che." She murmurs and I let out a soft laugh. "Yeah...It is." I say and smile softly, but it was gone in a few moments. "I'm sorry-" I start but London shakes her head. "I don't want to talk 'bout it." She murmurs and I say, but I nod, understandingly.

"I want it to be me." London says after a few minutes, I look over at her shocked. "What?" I ask, hoping that I just misheard her. "I want to be the one who dies, I'm no use anyway." She says as she pokes the fire with a stick. "I'm not letting you." I murmur and she lets out an exasperated sigh. "CQ it's not your choice it's mine." She hisses softly and I let out a growl. "Fine." I mutter and lay. "I'm going back to sleep." I sigh and turn my back to her, sure I felt like a b*tch, but I didn't want her to die. I didn't want anyone to die.

I wake up who knows how many hours later and look around. Winston and Jackie were awake with grim faces. "Where's London?" I ask, a burning sensation in the back of my throat. Please tell me she didn't- "I'm right here." She says and I turn to see her with some sticks, for the fire. I let out an audible breath. "I got us buck." Winston says as he motions to the dead animal beside the fire. I could tell London felt bad we had to eat such an innocent creature, h*ll I felt bad. But survival was mandatory. I help Winston put it to cook and stare at the meat as it cooked.

Once it was done, Jackie separated it 4 ways and we each got some. Except when I looked at London, she looked sick. She quickly got up, stumbling and ran behind a tree. I could hear her groans and winces as she emptied her stomach. I felt so bad. She walked back and took a handful of water and spat it somewhere away from us. She sat back down and looked at her hands. We all looked back to our food and continued eating. After we were done, we heard a whistling whisper. "Chosen yet?" It was the Silencer. It wasn't near us but the words once again echoed. The presence of the Silencer was gone but the Words lingered because we hadn't chosen someone and there was a due date coming up soon.

"Who should we-" Winston starts. "Me." London and Jackie said together. I want to be one to give up my life but I feel I'll be letting so many down. I was angry at them for how easily they could throw away their lives. Sure it was to save 3 others, but was it really worth it? "I'll give up my life." London says but Jackie shakes her head. "You're useful, I'm an attempted murder." Jackie argues. "Yeah attempted, I've done nothing to help us." London says and sighs. The forest was getting to us all. It wasn't in the good way either.

A/N This is really important!!! I'm slowly starting to close this book. It will end somewhere between Chapter 20 and Chapter 30. I'm trying to see how much I can do, but I'm getting busy and I feel like I'm stringing the book along now. I have a really good ending as well. Anyway love you all!! Later fellow failures :3

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