Chapter 12

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Winston's Point Of View-
             I fell asleep sometime after London. I felt bad for my friends. Unlike me, they probably didn't have as much experience stuck in a forest. Of course I've never been in a situation where there was a monster screwing with us though. After waking I noticed CQ staring at Jackie and then to London. "Morning." I saw, my voice low. She smiles softly, a silent good morning. London whimpered softly and I glance at her. "The hallucinations will probably be bad when she wakes up." CQ says and I nod. "I'm sorry, we came in here." I sigh as I look at her. "It's fine, maybe it's just some really f*cked up show, that we're starring on." CQ tries to convince herself of happiness.

I sigh softly and glance at Jackie. "Look...If something happens to me. You need to go on without me." I say to CQ and her eyes narrow. "What are you talking 'bout?" She asks a small edge to her usual calm voice. "If I die or something happens that makes us slow down from escaping. You need to keep going." I say. CQ immediately shakes her head. "Are you kidding me? No." She frowns at my response. I guess I couldn't blame her. "Look, if you stay behind because of me. It will be all my fault." I say and she shakes her head, a glare setting in her eyes. "No it won't be! You can't blame yourself for something that wasn't your fault at all!" She growls. "Look CQ, I can't. If I live through I won't be able to live with myself knowing you lost something because of me." I try again.

"NO!" CQ exclaims loudly, to a miracle the other two haven't woken up. "Dammit Winston! If I lost something, it would be you! You can't just sacrifice yourself!" She exclaims, her eyes watering and I feel my stomach drop. "...I love you ok? You *sshole I love you. And if you think you can leave me, or think that I'll leave you. You're wrong." She whispers and shakes her head. She said she loved me. I wanted to smile, but now was so not the time. "Promise me something." She says and I raise my eyebrows, signalling her I'm listening. "Promise me you won't try to be the f*cking hero for once. Ok? I already almost lost Two of my friends, and I'll be h*lla p*ssed if I lost or almost lose you too." She says, she was breathing heavily, probably from being emotional-Not that I was judging. "Ok..." I say quietly and she hugs me as best as she can, without waking London.

I press my lips to CQ's forehead and sigh. Suddenly London sits straight up and looks around, her dark eyes meeting mine and then CQ's before moving over to where Jackie was. "Where's Jackie?" She breaths out and I frown, Jackie was right where she was looking. "She's right there." I say slowly and London glares at me. "Don't call me a jerk, b*tch." She huffs and crosses her arms. Suddenly I was aware of the hallucinations. "Seriously bough, all that's there is bright green grass and pink flowers." She points out and crawls over, beside Jackie. CQ looks at me from the corner of her eye. I think she was as worried as I was. London looked at Jackie with teary eyes. "She's gone..." she whispers and I frown, moving closer. Jackie did look extremely pale. "Where's her body?" London asks CQ and CQ just starred wide eyed at her. She turned back and sighed softly. I frown leaning closer. Jackie looked really pale, and that was saying quite a bit. I place my fingers on the side of her neck and try to find a pulse. I move away quickly.

London looked at me like I was crazy. "Why were you caressing the flowers, your girlfriend is right there." She points out and I sigh. CQ flushes at London's statement. But I was scared. "I can't find her pulse." I whisper to CQ who freezes, until Jackie gasps loudly and sits up quickly, her hand on her stomach. "AHHH THE FLOWERS ARE MELTING!" London screeches and bolts behind me quickly. She was clinging to CQ like her life depended on it. Jackie was breathing heavily, looking down at her stomach, I watched as she pushed her shirt up slightly and my lips parted in surprise. "There's no wound." I whisper, and it was true.

Jackie was staring wide eyed, where a nasty wound was. Not even blood on her stomach now. "What the f*ck." London whispers and then laughs and runs out of the shed. We get up and move to the doorway to see it was raining and London was dancing. We all stared at her. I bet all of us were wishing we were having hallucinations, maybe the world wouldn't be so bad. "What should we do?" Jackie whispers to us and CQ shrugs and I let a smile play my lips. I just wanted to be happy, even for a moment. "We join her." I say as I step out into the rain and move beside London and nod my head as if listening to a beat. CQ and Jackie stare before Jackie moves out and taps her foot, so far London is the only one truly dancing. CQ stares at us before moving out and dancing, really dancing with London. CQ grabs London's hands they sort of jokingly sway quickly to an imaginary beat. I let my grin widen. Jackie starts dancing like a
Wild animal and I shake my head jokingly.

        These are my friends. We're stuck in a forest with no exit and no entrance with an unidentifiable creature. 4 of us, slowly losing whatever sanity we have. An almost murderous basket case, A ticking bomb of anger, a shrinking child, and I-I don't know actually...I haven't figured out anything wrong with me. My eyes water at the thought of my friends changing and I'm normal.
I sniffle-Oh wait...Sh*t, I'm showing emotions.

A/N Ok, so-I did it in Winston's Point Of View because I feel like he's more reserved.
Should I do a different person next time? If so-Comment who. Anyway love you all. Later fellow failures.

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