Episode 13: More than a Soldier

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Akeno: Why did you come here?

Ren: Sun called, she told us what happened.

Sun: I thought we would need help to get him back.

Gozaburo: Not sure why we can't just let the maggot get hitched to Edomae's little girl.

The response was meant with a strong left hand to Gozaburo's face from Ren.

Ren: Did you try contacting Yoshino to see what he could do.

Akeno: I did........he isn't willing to do anything. Said Takashi wasn't worth the men he would lose if he were to go to war with Edomae. 

Masa: He couldn't offer any advice on what could be done.

Akeno: He gave me permission to go on a suicide rescue mission.

Ren: Rescue mission?

Akeno: I go in alone and somehow get Takashi out of there.

Ren: You're not actually thinking about attempting that are you.

Maki: I'm assuming that's why she brought out the big boy over there.

Maki referred to the massive sword that Akeno strapped to her back.

Gozaburo: Word is though, you never managed to use that thing.

Akeno: No better time to prove everyone wrong.

Sun: Well even if it doesn't work we still have your back.

Akeno: Thanks but I decline.

Sun: What?!

Akeno: Yoshino has men that can rival the strongest armies but casualties would still be heavy against the Edomaes. If you start a clan war for my sake it will be a bloodbath on both sides.

Ren: So exactly what do you expect us to do?

Akeno: Get me inside and enjoy the wedding. It's gonna be a show.

Ren: You're worrying me with this Akeno.

Akeno: I am too.

The Edomae family took their time to prepare the ceremony as well as taking their precautions to make sure that the groom didn't trash the wedding. Before he was placed in the traditional robe Edomae injected him with a drug meant to keep him awake but too drowsy to actually use his body and certainly not his powers. The Seto family received their invitation to the wedding and as requested, Akeno tagged along as a hidden plus one. It was being held at the Edomae family's personal estate located somewhere at the bottom of the ocean. The Seto family arrived trying to act casual but none of them could hide their disgust at what was about to take place. Akeno was hiding behind Gozaburo and Fujishiro and when she saw an opportunity she broke away from the group and wandered the halls of the estate looking for something that could give her an edge. It didn't seem like that was going to be possible as the place was crawling with guards but that still provided Akeno with a method of leveling the playing field. She proceeded to eliminate the guards one by one while being careful not to give away her position or cause some kind of alarm to sound off. However, there was only so much she could do with the limited amount of time. The ceremony could begin at any minute and the building was too massive to take out every guard in every single section. So, once Akeno assumed that she got the body count down to at least thirty percent, she decided it was time to head to the ceremony which had already begun. The room was wide with the Seto family kneeling on the left side of the room, the Edomae family on the right and in the center was the bride, the groom and the priest running the ceremony. Takashi was still drugged out of his mind and was basically staring off into space. Lunar's expression was blank, almost like she didn't know what she should feel but the time came in the ceremony where the bride and groom would each drink a cup of sake. Lunar drank hers with ease and priest began to pour Takashi's into his mouth but then a katana flew past the priest's head shocking him in fear forcing him to drop the bowl causing it to shatter on the ground. Everyone's eyes were on where the katana came from and that led them to a whole in the front door of the room and it wasn't long before Akeno simply walked in.

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