Finding Him

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Aaron's POV

I love mornings! The crisp cool air of dawn. The smell of dew on the grass and trees. My wolf Nuntis and I absolutely love how free we feel running. Of course he can be a pain in the ass since he reminds me constantly that we are the Sun-wolf. Constantly! I can't stress that enough. Could the moon goddess be anymore literal? I thought my wolf was pretty cool looking anyway because when the sun hit our fur just right, a few members had told me it's like looking at the sun.

I shifted back into my human form, walking into the pack house. A pair of boxers were thrown at my face making me growl at my Beta.

"Shut up bitch! No one wants to see your dick out," Sam rolled his eyes.

"You sure?" I smirked, swinging my hips around making him gag. Not my fault my dick likes being free! I growled playfully, after putting on the boxers, before tackling him. We both growled and rolled around before ending up in the kitchen, on the floor. We both rolled into a pair of legs seeing my Aunt Jessica lifting her brow at us.

"If you two are done being pups, go get breakfast," Jess pointed her wooden spoon at the buffet table where pack members were getting breakfast. You did not disagree with my Aunt cause that woman hit damn hard with her wood spoon. Especially if you try to steal her fresh baked brownies. That shit is addictive.

I growled suddenly, Sam whimpering, both of us feeling callused hands holding the back of our necks.

"You two aren't bothering Jess again are you?" Sam and I pouted up at my dad making him laugh.

"Go get breakfast you meat heads," Dad chuckled before slapping us on the back. Dad still mourns for his mate, my mom, but has started helping me with the pack. He told me that Mom wouldn't want me to not have my father in my life too. I love my pops. He's the best Dad and has told me how proud he is of me.

During that time, Sam and I became best friends. Fate ended up having him as my Beta and I didn't trust anyone more with my life!

"We caught another rogue this morning," Sam spoke nonchalantly. I growled angrily along with a few pack members. My dad and I weren't the only pack members who lost someone we loved to rogues.

Sam was currently piling bacon, eggs, ham, biscuits and like one fucking strawberry on his plate. One!

"Dude you're going to get scurvy eating just meat and bread," I laughed.

"I'm eating fruit, bitch!" Sam growled, eating the strawberry in one bite like it was poisoned. I laughed harder seeing him roll his eyes.

I grabbed my own plate, putting at least equal amounts of veggies and fruits with my bread and meat.

"Wow. Watching your weight fat ass?" Sam laughed, poking my abs. I growled, butting my head against his.

"At least I'll still have all my teeth!"

We both growled playfully before both of our heads were smacked.

"If the two of you ruin another breakfast by knocking a table over, you'll both be on dish duty with the omegas!" Jess growled making pack members laugh.

"But I'm the Alpha!" I whined playfully, my Dad chuckling as he passed us. Everyone knew that I tried to be fair in everything I did. I was tough, but not cruel to my pack.
Plus I loved my family.

"Aary, Aary!" I turned to see a little toddler with blonde curls flying, her little feet pitter pattering as fast as they could to me. I leaned down to catch her before standing quickly, swinging her around. Her high pitched squeals made me laugh.

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