Wishing on a star

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"What do you wish for most?"

Regina Mills or The Evil Queen looked over at her only trusted male companion ; Jason Sand or Jafar.

He was staring into the fire of the sitting room, wine glass in hand and a quizzical expression on his face. He was dressed in a loose suit, his tie forgotten a while ago. He had aged well and kept a rather nice physique thought she could do without the  beard. His tanned skin and warm eyes matched his dark hair well and he sipped the wine with ease. Jafar was a businessman with sport as his main hobby.

"What do you mean?" She asked. Her voice was soften around her friends than around the town's people.

Regina now could let her guard down, she could smile and laugh and chatter about anything and everything. She was wearing a simple suit trousers and a baggy blouse. She looked good even after being at the office all day. Her brown eyes shone in the fire light against her pale skin and she took a sip of her brandy whisky looking at Jafar with a slight frown.

"What do you wish for the most in life? If you could have one wish and it would come true right now... what would you ask for?"

"My son." They looked towards Cynthia Furton or better known as Cruella DeVil.

Her black and white hair is what stood out the most to them. Half and half and down to her shoulders. She wore a blood red dress that came to her knees and curved in all the right places. Her blue eyes were piercing and she was paler than Jafar but she still looked healthy. She was looked at the pair across from her, her martini sitting on the coffee table in front of her.

"I would wish for my son back." She said quietly.

"I would wish for a family again." It was Cruella's turn to look over at the woman to her left.

Mallory Stone or Malificent was the most relaxed looking of the group. She was wearing a pair of skinny black jeans and a purple jacket sipped up on top. She held a beer in her hand and a smile played on her lips, her blue eyes softer than Cruellas but seemingly more calculating. She looked at each of them in turn.

"Lily doesn't need me anymore. She's gone to university and is happy there without me. I would wish for another daughter, one who needed me."

"I would wish for a son." Jafar added quietly. "One i could play sports with and teach about the world."

"My son would be fashion forward but brilliant. He loved playing with his mechanics." Cruella trailed off not wanting to remember that she had lost him those years ago.

"A daughter." The group turned to look at Regina. "I would have a daughter and I would teach her that it's brains that matter not looks."

They all sat each Wishing, hoping, praying for there children that they had never had.  It was Regina who sighed first, opening her mouth to tell them it was just fantasy and they shouldn't hope for something that would never come true.

But then the walls started to shake. They all shot up each wondering if it was an earthquake. The lights began to flicker and just before Jafar was about to yell to take cover there was a flash of light and they all fell backwards as a pulse of energy knocked them to the ground.

Grumbling the group began to stand and then they stopped all staring at the middle of the room. Because there, stood in defensive positions in a semi circle were four children. Each looked terrified of where they now were and each had a weapon in their hands.

A boy with tanned skin and dark hair and eyes was holding a metal pipe. His eyes were darting around not having seen them lying on the floor. He was wearing leather fingerless gloves with more leather stitched into a pair of jeans. His jacket was also leather with yellow and dark red all over it. A blood red beanie sat on top of his head.

Next to him, at the front of the semi circle was a girl with purple hair and bright green eyes. She was wearing a purple leather jacket as well as purple skinny jeans with again leather stitched in. She was holding two daggers, in hand covered by purple fingerless gloves and she was stood the furthest out of the circle so as if attacking she would be the first one reached.

On her right was a girl with blue hair and blue clothing. She had on black leggings as well as a blue skirt that wasn't tight and would allow significant movement. Her blue leather jacket had some decorative stitching in it and her blue fingerless gloves had a couple of rings surrounding them. She had a dagger in her one hand and didn't seem as at ease holding it as the two others.

The last boy was on the first boys left. He was wearing a black and white leather sleeveless jacket with a red long sleeved shirt on underneath. His hair was also white with black roots and his trousers were cut off just below the knee and were a leather, black and white material. He also had a single fur tail hanging from his waist. He had on fingerless red leather gloves and what looked like homemade knuckles dusters with spikes on was his weapon choice.

"Who's there? Come out." The purple girl called to the room her eyes seeming to glow in the fire lit room.

The once villians stood and as they did the children paled, each dropping or hiding their weapons back onto their person. The purple haired girl gulped, her green eyes staring at Malificent in fear.

"M-mom?" Her voice was quite but it startled the group and they looked at each other in confusion.

"I'm not your mother kid." Malificent said looking supremely confused. "Who are-"

"Carlos?" Cruella was staring at the black and white boy and he flinched, terrified eyes coming to meet hers. Even his freckles seemed to have paled.

"Y-yes mom?" She was stepping forwards and the boy took a step back as she did. The children were looking at her and then flickering their eyes around the room.

"Y-your m-my son." Cruella whispered and the boy looked shocked and then confused before nodding quickly. "My b-baby..." She was close enough to raise her hand and touch him and as she began to do so Regina stopped her.

"Wait!?" The children flinched back all eyes snapping to her. "C he's not your son hes-"

"Her son." Jafar said staring at the tanned boy. "This is what we wished for."


"Don't you remember. You asked for a daughter..." Reginas eyes caught the blue haired girls eyes and she could see the resemblance.

"So what do we do?" Malificent said her eye brow raised in confusion at the man.

Suddenly what looked like a ball of light appeared in the room between the two groups. The children brought their weapons back out all staring at the light in fear. The adults stepped back with Regina allowing her magic to flow through her hands.

"You are correct Jafar." The light spoke, it's voice sounding as though from a computer and Jafars eyebrows rose to his hair line.

"These children are yours from abother world. They need you as you need them so to answer your wish they are now for you."

"What about their parents?" Regina growled.

"To them you are their parents. They are yours by blood even if you did not raise them from birth. They cannot leave and you cannot send them away unless you begin to hate them."

"Hate them?" Cruella asked.

"Love has brought them here. Only hate can send them away."

The group looked at each other very confused.

"So.... They are our kids?" Malificent asked still confused.

"Yes. To stay with you until the end. They are your blood and you all deserve a chance of happiness. Good luck."

And then the light was gone.

The villains looked at each other and then looked at the children, their eyes still full of fear and confusion.

"Well...." eyes went to Malificent. "This is gonna be awkward."

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