To love

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Mal had never been one for love. She had never been the girl to look for love of any sort, there had never been time when trying to keep anyone alive that she even remotely cared about.

In the beginning, when the four had just come together, she had been scared. Scared that she would begin to care too much these three people who had started to already carve their way into her heart. She had tried to stay away... but they needed her. Jay needed someone who understood his rages, the red haze that anger created and how to get him out of it. Carlos needed someone who understood the fear of just being alive. Of knowing any action could result in a punishment more deadly than the last. And how to calm him down from a panic attack. And Evie... Evie needed someone to believe in her. Who didn't look at her like she was nothing, who understood going hungry and was willing to stand by her no matter what. Evie needed hope and strangely, for Mal at least, she found that hope in the carefree smirk Mal often had around the blue haired girl.

And so they had become a gang... and then a team and finally a family. They cared for each other and were extremely loyal.

On the Isle showing you cared was dangerous so they didnt show too much emotions around others, however everyone knew if you messed with one of the four you would be under the entire groups wrath.

But here things had changed and she didn't understand some of the questions she was asked. Her mother had asked if she liked Evie and she'd said yes, Evie was her friend after all... but something in the back of her mind made her think that wasn't what her mother was asking. That type of like wasn't what she was speaking about and it left Mal confused. There was only one type of like wasn't there? She had heard of love before and she in a way loved the other three but she didn't seem to feel the way her mother was trying to insinuate. She assumed it was the way couples felt but she had never felt that... maybe she never would. Her mother on the Isle had torn love out of her whenever she had tortured her.

"Mal?" The purple haired girl turned towards her blue haired friend.

They were sat in what Mal had been told was a diner... though she didn't really know what that meant. All she knew was the four and their parents were sat at a large circular table with no chance of escape. None of the children were on the end, instead those places taken by Regina and Jason, which Mal knew made at least Jay nervous as well. They had never been people to be comfortable without an exit available.

It had been a shock to come here but the parents had insisted. Something about needing them to get used to the town... or the town get used to them. Whatever it was Mal had still been confused to find none of the parents had attacked or threatened anyone whilst they were out.

"I'm ok E." Mal said quietly not wanting to draw attention to herself.

Evie nodded silently. She hadn't meant to draw any unwanted attention to Mal just in case... but the girl had seemed so out of it and if her mother had asked her a question and she didn't hear first time... Evie remembered the last time that happened and she didn't want to witness it again.

Evie looked around the table again watching the others silently. Mal was the most stiff looking but that was understandable and her mother didn't seem to mind. She didn't seem to mind anything which was strange seeing how maleficent on the isle had minded everything... but this wasn't maleficent, this was Mallory as she kept reminding the children kindly. Just like Jafar was Jason and Cruella was Cynthia... and her mother was Regina. Evie had never been more confused by her mother as she was of the one in this world. She was kind... more kind than Evie had ever imagined and had even given her books to read. She was still terrifying but unlike on the isle this version of her mother wouldn't beat her if she did or said something wrong. She wouldn't laugh when Evie flinched or taunt her as she cowered in the corner all the while fetching her dreaded cane... no... no instead she would apologise and speak quietly and calmly to her and tell her she wasn't angry at all or at least not at her. It was something Evie didn't think she'd ever get used to.

"Evie," Evies eyes snapped to her mother, her breath pausing for a moment on reflex. "Are you alright?" Regina asked and Evie could feel Mal move beside her, ready to leap across the table and in the way if Evie's mother did anything violent.

"Yes mother." Evie said respectfully and she prayed her eyes were playing ticks on her when she thought she saw Regina look at Mal for a moment before turning to Cynthia.

Evie squeezed Mals hand and carried on looking around the table. Jay smirked at her and she knew he had been watching the exchange too. Both Mal and Jay were always ready to protect the others no matter what. He looked relaxed except she could tell under the table he was gripping his metal pole tightly. He was always glancing around too and Evie knew he was looking for dangers and exits. she'd never someone hate being trapped as much as Jay unless it was Mal. Carlos on the other hand was amazingly relaxed and Evie had to admit she envied his ability to believe that his mother wouldn't hurt him. He was even asking Jason a question about something scienc-y Evie guessed and she smiled slightly at the boys fascination. She wished she was like him sometimes, able to love and trust like he did but Evie had lost that like the other two a long while ago. That was a big reason as to why they had brought Carlos into their fold... he was the hope that not everything innocent was gone... though he was no where near as innocent as she had hoped him to be. Neglect and living on an island prison had seen to that.

She looked back over at Mal as she squeezed her hand in return and it took a moment for her to fully grasp what she was seeing. Mal was watching Carlos too and the smallest smile tugged at the side of her lips. The light from the window behind them caught Mals face just right throwing her pale features into an unearthly glow and bringing attention to her light green eyes. The purple hair fell around her shoulders and her slightly dark lips gave the smile even more grace.

Evie was breathtaken.

She had never seen Mal this way. The Isle was all about survival and she had never had the time to appreciate the girls features. Even with the fading scar around it Evie would never be able say she wasn't beautiful. It was a strange notion and she wasn't sure if the feeling was right but something was different now... Evie could feel it as she smiled at Mal when the girl cocked an eyebrow at her staring.

Was she in love with Mal? There was no way love wasn't thought about on the Isle...but they werent on the isle now...

She looked back at Carlos to try and stop herself staring to find the boy laughing at some random joke Jason had told, with Jay chuckling along with them and the three women looking at them fondly.

Yes this wasnt the Isle but that definitely wasnt something Evie was going to complain about.

Hey guys so sorry for the late update.

This is just a small update but as you can guess Evie/Mal was the most asked for so thats where im going with the girls :)

If anyone had anything they want to happen either send me a message or leave a comment and I will try to comply :)

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