Hidden beneath the skin

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The four children were sat on the floor, their backs to the wall of the living room as three of the four villains sat in the kitchen. They had told them to sit down whilst they sorted this situation though them sitting on the ground had not been their first thought.

"They are close," Cruella observed, watching the blue haired girl was curled into the black and white haired boys body, his arm draped around her shoulder. The other boy had his eyes closed though Cruella could tell he wasn't asleep with how his fingers twirled the metal pipe lazily. Only the purple haired was sat up straight, her eyes always darting around and jumping slightly at any noise. The girl practically leapt onto her feet when Regina slammed her hand on the table, her phone screen cracking in the process as her anger took hold of her.

"So whats the verdict?" Jafar asked raising an eyebrow as the woman looked equally angry and nervous.

"They said that until they can figure out how the magic worked the kids will have to stay either with us as this orb thing suggested or go and stay at Granny's." the woman said running a hand through her hair.

"My boy can stay with me." Cruella said quickly. "He may not be my son from this world but it seems he is my son from another... and besides I want to know why they all look so afraid of us."

The others nodded. The children did seem terrified of the group, their entire frames seeming to shake in fear and anticipation. It was strange and worrying and Regina herself prayed it was because they looked different from their actual parents and not the thought that was in the back of her mind.

"I will have the one who is supposed to be my son as well." Jafar said.

"I think the purple haired girl is mine." Malificent said. "My hair was purple when i was little... magic accident." she answered the curious looks.

"I suppose if they have no where else to go then..." Regina sighed seeing no other options, even if she was intrigued by the last girl. "I will take care of the blue one, just until they can be sent back to their own parents."

The adults made their way into the room noticing the way the children shrunk back under their gazes, the way the purple girl and dark haired boy moved to be slightly in front of the other two. Their gazes were afraid and calculating all at once.

"So as you heard the weird orb thing say we are gonna be taking care of you until we can sort all of this out." Maleficent said to the children. "I'm Mallory and one of you is supposedly my kid from another world so.... which one of you is it."

The children looked at each other before the purple haired girl raised her hand slowly her hand shaking slightly.

"What's your name kid?" the girl flinched a little but opened her mouth to speak.

"Mal." her voice was quiet but strangely steady and Regina was impressed considering how terrified she looked.

"Alright Mal you are gonna be staying with me then." Mal herself did not look too pleased with this but she just nodded silently.

Cruella stepped forwards next her eyes finding the black and white haired boy whose resembance to her was uncanny. "You are Carlos correct?"

The boy nodded silently, his hand squeezing the blue haired girls hand beside him but otherwise he made no movement at all.

"I am Cynthia and you shall be staying with me for the forseeable future." Cruella smiled kindly but the boy meerly looked down shaking but nodding.

"I suppose you would be my son then." Jafar said a smirk on his face as he surveyed the beanie clad boy before him. "I am Jason what is your name lad?"

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