Welcome Home

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The Isle was dark.

Like always.

There was no rain though the clouds seemed to say a different story and the wind seemed to freeze skin through layers even as it stayed still in the air. Perhaps if they had been here the last few months they would have called it a nice day.

But all Mal could think, as the portal closed behind them and she looked at the place she had called home for so long, was that she was afraid. She was afraid of the memories that hung in every corner, of the skeletons locked in closest she kept tightly shut inside her mind. There was blood on her hands. Blood that never faded of sins she had committed here. She could say it was for survival. That all she wanted was to live but it didnt change what she had done. It was one thing the Isle always reminded her of. That no matter how much she tried she would always be the monster her mother had wanted her to be.

"Mal?" Evies voice was soft even here, but it was different now. Ready and not as she too looked at their home... their prison.

"Who do you wish to go to first?" Her voice was steadier than she'd expected but she knew that they could see her shaking fists.

"Cruella." Jason said and she felt Carlos wince, the boy swallowing hard. "You  dont have to come lad." Carlos shook his head.

"I-I can do this."

He was lying.

Of course he was lying.

That's what the Isle was wasnt it? Just a bunch of ex villains and children play pretending that they would be anything but prisoners on a god forsaken rock.

A life built and lived on lies.

"We cant take them over the rooves." Jay said, fists clenching and unclenching over and over again. "There's the back streets past Facillia's place?"

"We'll take that route. You follow from high just in case. I'll take point." Jay nodded. "Let's get moving."

The adults watched the children silently. They corralled around Mal, awaiting orders and Cynthia wondered if they'd ever been able to relax here. Had they always been on guard?

They moved silently, magic humming underneath skins as the barrier tried to dampen them. Regina had been ready for this. They all had. A simple spell in Storybrooke and their magic bristled freely around them. Cynthia was the only one without it but even she was twitching though that was the urge to punch someone instead of rip out their hearts.

Not that she would stop anyone who tried.

The children moved silently, Jay a shadow above them as he ran over metal rooves as quietly as a fox. He moved faster than then before stopping a small way ahead and watching them approach. He was their lookout. Their warning system in case of attack.

It didnt seem to take long and strangely, for the adults anyway, they met very little others as they moved. Mal grinned as they saw the old mansion coming into view. Jay had done well in guiding them away from people.

Before Storybrooke Cruellas home, Hell Hall was seen as a marvel. The building was larger than Malificents castle but more rub down. Without Carlos it had become even more broken and she could see where parts had crumbled away without the vks trying to keep it together.

She looked up at the worn down building and heard Jay leap down, rolling before he came to a crouch next to her. Her second ready for the attack.

"So how should we get in?" Mallory asked and Regina stepped forwards, a fire in her eyes.

"I was thinking we should knock."

She thrust out her hand, towards the large wooden double doors with the dragon style door knocker that Carlos had shined every day of his life, Mal flicked back as there was a resounding BOOM. The doors smashed open, broken fragments of door and metal flying everywhere as they were blasted off their hinges. There was a cry from inside, signalling that Cruella had heard them and Carlos winced at the anger in her scream.

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