And suddenly, a jolt of lighting crossing my nerve, as my member was kept on rubbing against his belly. The stimulation from inside out was naturally worn me out and i can't hold on anymore. With him, i don't even have to touch my manhood to get a pleasure. It was natural feeling, to surrender myself to him. To feel him dwells deep inside me, it was too much just to feel the fulfilment. And at last, he and i were releasing almost in the same time. All the worlds are gone, all the reason were vanished into thin air. There was just us, our love, our heart beats for each other.

"Phun, i love you.."

He hugged me close to him, catching his shortened breath while calling my name like a mantra. We like to cuddle after we make love, or just repeat our session again and again until we are sated. And he was on that mood again, knowing that i'm in the same state.

We were horny like a mating cat, jumps to one another without caring about our surrounding. Sometimes we dance in a slow rythm, sometimes we pace it up, sometimes he let me lead, but sometimes he didn't even give me a chance to have a male ejaculation. It was one passionate night, the one that you call the blue hour.

And when we're done, it was near dawn and i was exhausted to the limit. "Phun..i don't think i can take care of the twins today."

He kissed my forehead and tuck my blanket. "Just sleep, Noh. I'll take a day off today." And we fell into a deep slumber.
It was a high noon when i finally woke up from a hunger pang. I drag my feet to shower and had a good chilling shower when i realized that Phun wasn't around. Where the hell was he?

But when i step down on the stair, i find the answer. There was a ruckus in the garden, where Phun and the twins were playing loudly. They're all sweaty, sticky, with leaves sticking everywhere in their bodies, and dirt covering their skin. It was so heart warming scenery that i couldn't help but smile. In my condition i wasn't able to join them so i try to restrain myself from joining them and instead sitting on the bench below the tree, watching them.

"Boys will be boys, aren't they Noh?"

It was Phun's Ma. She grinned from ear to ear watching them playing balls and catch and run, while carrying a pitcher of juice in her hands.

"I wish i could join them Ma."

"Oh hoo don't you ever try, silly boy. Think about the next set of twin."

She laughed softly. She loved the twins, especially because they loved her too. And she adores them too, always takes them wherever she goes and brags them to her friends. Of course they went crazy over them, and Ma was overwhelmed with that. Well the twins are everyone's sweetheart, actually.

They're looking at us and waved, smiled widely the way their dad do. It was so cute.

"Noh, thank you. Thank you very much for the blessing you've given us. You're not even a woman yet you have to endure all this thing. "

I smile. I remember Phun once sang to me, that his love was unconditional. It was what brought me to him. An unconditional love. And that song he sang in the song contest during high school too, it was so touching that i cry. My hubby is so romantic isn't he?

"It's okay Ma. I love him, and i'd love to give him all i am." I pat her hands. Her eyes was watery, and her lips tremble as if she wanted to cry.

"Ma?are you all right?"

She hold my hands, and said to me with a shaky voice. "Phun has the best wife in the world, maybe there's no woman in the world can compare to you."

" Noh..did Phun ever give you allowance by the way? I don't see you buy a new clothes very often. If you need anything, just tell us. You belongs to Phumiphat's household now, and people will look at you. You have to be a role model for everyone."

My smile get wider. I kept thinking why rich people thinks that shopping is their way of living. Maybe they can't afford to look bad in the eyes of the people. They have to be the role model of the society.

I look at her in the eyes and said to her, " No they won't find out Ma. Phun's wife is a woman they see in the wedding ceremony. They wouldn't know anything about me. So basically i don't have to shop, do i?" I chuckled.

But Ma looked so concern. Her eyes looked dimmer as if she was hiding something.

"I'll shop if you go with me, Ma."
The last trimester goes quickly, and now it's time to meet our new set of twins. Our family's private doctor was ready in the operating theatre and was waiting for me.

I was nervous this time for an unknown reason. And i was right. Well, the babies were utterly beautiful, one of them is a splitting image of Phun with a hazel eyes and light skin like me. But one of them has this strange colour of hair and a sharp figure, sharp eyes that i know who does it belongs to. But all and all, our family were very happy that they were healthy and perfect just like their brothers do. The twins, now in their prime childhood, were jumping all around and hugging their new brothers happily.

Upon hearing my childbirth, Phun's companions come to our house to congratulate us. And one of them looked puzzled, Naek that is. When we are left alone in the babies room (everyone goes downstairs to get some food) he looked at me and ask.

"This one is mine,isn't he?" He cup my face in his hands gently, almost like a lover's touch. I don't know what to say. I wanted to tell him the truth, but if i am he would take the child away from me.

"Don't take him away.." i said weakly, almost choke in my tears.

"He's so beautiful..i've told you i'd give you child one day, and here he is, so perfect."

My whole body shook with fear. I'm afraid he would try to get him.

"What's their name?" he asked.

"The hazel eyed one is Dew, and that black haired one is Rain."

He lifted Rain up from his cot, and in an instant i can see their resemblance. He kiss Rain in the cheek and said to him gently." Son, although you have to bear the Phumiphat's name, don't forget that you are my offspring. Someday not today, i'll claim you. I'll claim you and your mother, and take what's mine."

Rain didn't get bothered by that, he still sleeps soundly in his embrace. It was a scary threat that he said casually.

I look at him, helplessness must be written all over my face like an open book. What kind of man am i? not to be able to reject another man's order? wasn't i suppose to protect my family?

I've been thinking about his intention towards Phun's family. If he wanted so much to destroy Phun's family, why would he protects them from foreign threats? oh, i forget. It was something about protecting one of the country's pillar. But does he still wants to destroy Phun now? he has to protect them anyway. Those family pillars are actually on a very fragile relationship. What if those enemy realize that? they must be investigating them now, and make sure that those families would crumble to pieces before they attact..

A (more) Chaotic Life of an ex Blue Short GuyWhere stories live. Discover now