"Apologise before I fucking kill you." He sneered at the guy.

"Are you crazy?! What is wrong with you?!"

"I said APOLOGISE. Nobody hurts my Tae and lives to tell about it so you have five seconds to apologise." He punched him repeatedly until security pulled him away. Two big dudes still couldn't hold him back. Hobi helped the two guys and they finally managed to pry him of the bloodied guy. It was honestly not the first time he had beat the crap out of someone who hurt me.

By no means was I unable to defend myself but he just hated seeing me hurt. Hobi on the other hand was beyond shocked especially when Jimin snapped out of his rage induced haze and apologise to everyone who witnessed this for ruining their night. He paid for repairs and even paid for the guy's hospital bills after he apologised for stepping on me ofcourse. He had a broken nose and a few fractured ribs but no charges were filled. Thank goodness.

End of flashback

Before he could say anything else they were already close enough to hear us if we said anything so we kept quite.

Jungkook's POV

I removed the blindfold and waited for him to adjust to his surrondings. We were facing Mother Jessica's tombstone.

"What is going on?! What are we doing at a graveyard?!" He whisper yelled. Great... he hasn't noticed whose grave we are at yet.

"Well I know how much you wish Mother Jessica could have witnessed your weeding so I called our friends and family and a few other guests..." I pointed behind us and he turned around so quickly I thought he might have snapped his neck. His eyes widened when he saw the nuns from the orphanage in the small crowd. He looked back at me and then at the grave in front of us before looking at me again. Shock, questions and tears apparent in his eyes.

"I had them flown in last night. Let's make your wish come true and get married." I smiled at him but he just stared at me and I was begining to think this was not a good idea after all.

He broke down in tears and now I was convinced this was definitely a terrible idea.

"Babe... don't cry. I am sorry. I-I didn't mean to upset you." I was close to tears myself and I could tell everyone was starting to panic as well.

He hugged me. The gesture was so sudden it almost knock me on me ass but I managed to keep us both upright. He continue sobbing. "Thank you." He managed to say between sobs.

When he finally pulled away and he started laughing a bit.

"I must look a mess." Our little crowd laughed with him after he said that.

"You look as beautiful as ever." I helped him wipe his tears with my thumbs.

"Let's do this then." He got on his tip toes and kissed me on the lips, when he pulled back he broke into a blinding smile and I fell all over again. I want to make him smile like that for the rest of our lives.

The priest stood between us and the grave of his Mother and the ceremony began. Vows were said, rings were exchanged and kisses were exchanged.

"Ladies and gentlemen Mr and Mr Jeon..." the priest announced and we bowed to him and the grave as a sign of respect before we turned to the crowd who were clapping away crazily and did the same. Resting souls forgive us.

My now husband turned to me with a smile that I am sure I mirrored and we shared another kiss before he rushed to greet the family he has been longing to see and I watched him chat happily being smothered in hugs and love before I went into the meet and greet myself, congratulations being through from all angles.

The week flew by and before I knew it we having this grand weeding with the media everywhere and some pretty high profile people attended our weeding. My parents did not show up but my sister and her husband along with my other relatives showed up. I was disappointed but glad at the same time. By evening our weeding was announced on almost every station all over the world.

Lee Nari's POV

I was getting dinner ready and my kids were in the living room watching television. I had two fourteen year old twins, one ten year old girl and my youngest was a seven year old boy. I was setting the dining table when my last born came rushing into the dining room and dragged me to the living room, I was still holding a glass.

"Mum... mum come see..." he pointed towards the television. "That boy looks just like you."

I looked and regretted it immediately. I dropped the glass I was holding and startled my children.

"Mum what's wrong?!" they asked in unison.

"Nothing... nothing. I am just shocked is all." I turned to my youngest who was closest to me and all this broken glass. "He does look like me doesn't he... maybe he is my doppelganger." His face lit up almost immediately, he was really into that stuff. I tried my best to return his euthusiasm but my facade was fading.

"Go sit with your sister while I clean all this glass ok?!" I kissed his head and went to get a dust pan. Once in the kitchen I lost all strength and collapsed on the floor.

My son... he is alive and healthy.

Out of all my children he was the only one who looked like me even better looking than me.

He looks like he grew up well and he is marrying a very wealthy man, they said my son also runs a very famous company on the news. The guilt I thought I had buried away was now crashing me and I just broke down in tears.

Do not forgive me son.... I deserve your hatred and so much more.

I just realised that I may be offending some people by sayings nuns were at a gay weeding. I am a Christian myself and i mean no offense to anyone. Vmin have had a lot of sweet moments so a Jikook one is long overdue

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