Her anger boiling, she slid off the stool as unobtrusively as possible, but it attracted their attention anyway, and they stopped to stare at her. Yes, I'm that Leon's wife, she wanted to say. But it would create trouble, she knew.

She strode out of the diner like as if nothing had happened, then called for a cab – the expensive type, and used Leon's card while she was at it – and arrived in no time before the gates of the warehouse. The driver had been casting anxious glances at their surroundings the whole time, and had sped off as soon as she slammed the door behind her.

Then she stood before the imposing, rusting gates and asked to be let in. It was her second time of the week at his workplace, but the first time where she felt her courage falling. And the first time I have to ask to be let in, she thought. Voyna and Mir, the resident guard dogs barked and growled, their hackles rising. They had been trained to growl at everyone and anyone, and only responded to Russian commands.

'Vniz!' came the yell from the guard who, at the same time, frowned at her from behind the gates. 'Mrs Federov. What are you doing here?'

'I'm looking for Leon.'

'He's busy,' came the clipped reply. There was something uneasy about him.

'Open the gates.'

He stood stock still, silent, unresponsive. This was a waste of her time. Her people would be dead at his hands by the time she persuaded the guard to have the gates opened.

'Then I'll climb them.'

His eyes widened in a panic.

'I'll open them! Don't climb the gates.'

Finding Leon's office was another easy task. Yet the journey was made awkward with the men staring at her as she walked past, some just as uneasy as the guard. What, did Leon really have the Kei-Shiragata? She wished he didn't. But part of her knew he did. Aren't we behind all these by now, Leon? The Federov's and the Kei-Shiragata made peace, for goodness sake. Or have you forgotten?! Oh, please let them be fine!

Then she turned the knob, pushed the door open, and stepped in. There was a stark silence as all eyes turned to her.

She estimated there to be around fifteen men in the room, most of them Russian mafia, while the three on the floor were Kei-Shiragata. They were on their knees with weapons aimed at them.

Her eyes hardened as she made her way to the front, to him. Only an arms length of empty air separated them, and she tried not to flinch when she realised the person he was aiming his weapon at was Osuke. His face was a perfect mask of calm, not even guilt showed as he inclined his head to her daring approach.

'How can you?' she seethed under her breath. 'How can you bring them in like that? You have an agreement with the Kei-Shiragata.'

His reaction was slow.

'Our agreement has expired,' he said, a sneer marring his features. 'Remember? And you aren't suppose to be here.'

'They are my people too,' she bit back. 'I have every right to be here.'

Small in stature, and so much weaker, she had to make sure she at least had a hold on him with her words. She wondered what the yakuza had done to be dragged in here without warning, all in front of her eyes. Had it really been so horrible that Leon was planning to exact death by his own hands? Or had it been due to some petty whim on his part, that she was sure he hadn't been capable of?

'What have they done to you?'

He didn't answer, except for a tick in his mouth.

'Did you or your men do anything?' she asked, addressing Osuke this time.

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