How Campers Feel about the Relationship

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Percy Jackson-
Annabeth: Ugh I hate them together! It's suppose to me and Percy not F/N and Percy. Although they are cute together.
Leo: They are cute together they fit each other perfectly.
Jason: I had a thing for F/N when I first saw her but she is so devoted to Percy.
Piper: Jason liked her but she is pretty and she's extremely loyal to Percy and they love each other.
Frank: They are goals.
Hazel: They are my OTP
Grover: I love both of them they are my best friends and they are so good together.
Nico: They go well together.

Jason Grace-
Annabeth: I love these two together they go together perfectly and she is so nice and strong and different from other Aphrodite/ Venus girls.
Percy: She's really nice and she helped me when I lost my memories and her and Jason are literally a fairy tale couple.
Piper: Well technically she is my Roman half sister. But she stole Jason from me but Jason adores are.
Leo: Piper doesn't like her but I like F/N I had a small crush on her when I first saw her at Camp Jupiter but I realized she is Jason's girl so I eventually grew out of it and they are goals.
Frank: I have known F/N for a long time and she's so cool and I always knew her and Jason had something and I'm glad they got together.
Hazel: If you see Jason you see F/N if you see F/N you see Jason they are extremely attached and so cute.
Reyna: They are nice together.
Nico: I like them together.

Leo Valdez
Percy: You can tell Leo and F/N adore each other I'm glad he found someone.
Jason: They are so cute together always helping each other and Leo has some dark stuff in his past and I'm glad he has someone he can at least talk to about it.
Piper: I ship them so much I hope they never break up I'm praying to Aphrodite they don't because if they break up it will be terrible.
Annabeth: Leo and F/N sitting in the Argo II kissing first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby demigod.
Hazel: Leo seems happy and so does F/N.
Frank: Now I don't have to worry about Leo stealing Hazel.
Clarisse: if he hurts her he's dead.
Nico: They are goals!!

Frank Zhang-
Hazel: I like Frank a lot but he likes F/N and F/N likes him so I'm glad they have each other.
Percy: They are both so cute together.
Annabeth: They are both so shy around each other it's adorable.
Jason: They are adorable
Piper: Totally adorable and I love seeing them around each other blushing.
Leo: Frank and F/N they are so cute together and they really like each other.
Reyna: She loves Frank and Frank loves her if he hurts her he's dead meat simple.
Nico: This is the only time I will say cute and they are cute together.

Percy: Nico is like a little brother to me and they have my blessing.
Annabeth: They are so adorable they always blush at each other.
Jason: Nico loves her and F/N loves him perfect match.
Piper: They are a perfect match.
Leo: I like them together it's fun to tease one of them and see the other one get protective.
Thalia: If he hurts her he's dead.
Reyna: Nico seems happy.
Hazel: Nico just seems a lot happier now.
Frank: They both are happy around each other and they are totally in love.

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