Chapter One

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The meeting of two.

-Yuna's P.o.v-

Feeling the warm rays upon my face I fluttered my tired eyes open and listened to the couple arguing next door, slowly rising from the warm comfort zone of my bed, I turned to the wall where the source of the sound erupted from.

“Shut the f*ck up, people are trying to f*cking to sleep!”

I shouted while banging on the paper-thin wall, this immediately made the couple fall to silent mutters; couples had to be the thing in this world that I resented most. Finally falling back to the pillow burying my face to protect my delicate eyes from the hated sunlight. I must had forgotten to close the thick curtains the previous night, while expecting to get more sleep I closed my eyes but apparently this wasn't the case because of the dreaded noise maker known as my phone started to go off. I didn't mind though since it was the song 'Agony' by the famous visual Kei band 'the GazettE' that was playing, for a moment I listened carefully to the song before grabbing my phone and answered it with my usual tired/grumpy grunt causing the person on the other side of the line to sigh,

“You know, if it weren't me, someone would think they have the wrong number.”

I growled lowly at my manager, Soshi.

“Moshi moshi~”

I said in a ridiculously sweet tone, it made me want to gag with disgust since I had to be all sweet and innocent for my image. Soshi laughed at the sweet tone which irritated me because he would always be telling me to use the sweet tone of voice but then always ended up laughing,

“Mika, you need to be ready in an hour for a photo-shoot and interview today. See you in an hour, Mika-chan~!”

The way he said 'Mika-chan' was in a teasing tone which made me more irritated, I really did hate it when people made fun of my stage name, mainly Soshi. I would rather have people call me by my real name Yuna Hayashi, people only knew me as 'Lolita Mika'. After waiting for about two minutes I had finally decided to move my butt and get ready then wait for Soshi to show his sorry ass up.

We arrived at the studio where the photo's were to be taken and to my knowledge I was going to do the photo-shoot with a band, since apparently the band's manager wanted to work along with me for some reason. At this point I had yet to find out who the band was, without looking away from my phone I asked Soshi when the photo-shoot was going to take place, he closed his phone finally ending the long conversation he was having and turned to me with a small smile.

“Once they are done with the preparations.”

I nodded with dark thoughts in my head since I wasn't one to hold patience, putting up the false image of 'Mika', I bounced over to Soshi with a bright smile.

“I'm going outside, Soshi-kun. So if you would excuse me~!”

After saying this I was out of there before he could say anything.

Stepping outside after spotting no-one around, I gave a sigh of relief. After a few minutes of searching through my pouch on my lolita dress I noticed something missing,

“F*cking Soshi, taking my stuff without telling me...Only a stupid b*stard like him would do such a crime.”

I muttered furiously to myself then searching my little bag that held my phone and keys, after countless seconds of searching I found what I needed, a Marlboro red cigarette. Popping it into my mouth, I then searched for my lighter when suddenly my eyes widened with realization.

“No, he couldn't of...”

I muttered while searching hastily for the lighter, with no success I just stood there with an unlit cigarette in my mouth with no lighter. The door that I had previously rushed out of had suddenly opened, causing my to jump while shoving the cigarette up my tight sleeve, it was only to protect my image and I couldn't just throw it away, so I had just crossed my arms to hide it while looking out to the distance. It was silent between the stranger and I,

“You're Lolita Mika, right?”

I heard a deep voice say, closing my eyes I gave the stranger my signature smile that everyone adored.

“Yes that's me! Ehehe~”

-Ruki's P.o.v-

The sweet and innocent Lolita singer was stood before me, there was so much gossip going on about her since it was apparently her third year anniversary of being in the music industry, I will also admit at the time I met her, she was as cute as all the media portrayed her to be.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you."

I nodded to her while her eyes opened to look rather surprised as realization went through her eyes,

"Gomen Ruki-san. I didn't realized it was you! I would've given you a proper greeting..."

she pouted and knocked her head in a stupid manner, this girl had such an innocent image and yet she had to be fake, because no one is truly that innocent. I pulled out my cigarette that I stole from my band-mate and looked to her,

"You mind?"

Gesturing the cigarette she had just shook her head no, after getting the conformation I instantly lit it, Mika had something flash through her eyes before she looked away from me. After a few drags I decided to make some conversation with her, maybe to get to know her more was my thought.

"So tell me can someone like yourself keep so innocent?"

My tone was evidently curious, without a second thought she answered me without looking.

"That's a funny question~ I don't know how to answer~!"

She then turned back to me with her so called innocent smile but it looked as if she was hiding something, this had perked my interest about her. After that Mika went back to looking out into the distance, Mika subsequently huffed and shivered.

"Well as much as I wouldn't want to leave, I have to go~"

Mika spoke in her happy-go-lucky tone while pulling out what seemed to be her phone, I nodded to her and she quickly went inside. After the door closed I noticed that she dropped something, I picked it up and looked confusedly at the object dropped by her. Slowly a smirk grew upon my face as I said to myself,

"Not as innocent as she looks, indeed."

I held a cigarette within my hand and slid it into my pocket taking another drag to finish my cigarette off, then went back inside to re-join the others in the dressing room still with a smile on my face, Aoi looked at me suspiciously.

"What are you so happy about?"

That caught the attention of the others too, I just shook my head.

No, this is my little secret...

Next Chapter: Curiosity.

My Secretive Lolita Girl // Ruki Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora