Segment 114

57 7 2

Few months later
His sister's point of view -
It has been a quite weird since our breakup..
You know when somebody is with you for so long and then one day poof he is gone.
That void feeling..
That feeling of emptiness
That is sadness which tears you ..destroys you..
I know its difficult for him as well but he handels it so smoothly like nothing ever happened.
Bhabhijaan has been most supportive while Bhai and Dadabhai are angry.
I wanted to solve things between Captain and bhaiya to soothe his pain ..
Where did i go wrong..?
I sit alone brooding life when suddenly there is a loud banging on my door.
"Knock knock.."
Its 10 in the night i wonder who it is this late...
I peep from the peep hole and see Captain..
What is he doing here at this time of the night .?
He is all wet and he is swaying slightly..
"Knock knock.." there he goes again.
"I quickly unbolt the door and he stumbles in right into my arms..
The familiar feeling of holding him close is back with a mixed emotion of confusion
What made him come to me at this time of the night..?
Is he going to hurt me further..?
"Hey cap..." I try to say but he cuts me off throwing his arms around me and breaking down into sobs.
I guide him to the couch where he sits and pulls me to him
"Please." He says burying his head in my lap..
I sit beside him allowing him to sob on my lap till his tears run dry and turn to hiccups..
"I will get you some water.." i say
"Thank you " he says after a while
I dont answer him and hand him a glass of water.
"I know i have been a jerk lately ." He says and bows his head down
" Yea thats true." I murmur to myself
"So why today..?" I question
"I have been thinking.." he admits
"Is there still a us..?"
"If you want it to be..?"
"Does my wish matter..?"
"Comeon don't be like this .." he pleads.
"Like what..?" I question.
" Like me ... Stubborn..
I know i messed up things between us but what else could i do..?
I was confused and in self doubt..
You won't understand "
"You din't even try.." i retort
He growls in frustration and slumps back on the couch.."
"You are making my couch wet."
"Right ." He says and gets up to leave.
"I should propably get going now." He says and heads to the door.
" i din't mean that.."
"You din't ..?" There is a hint of slight smile on his lips.
"Bhai kay kapde hai guest room main.." i say and walk to the kitchen to cook him food because i know he hasn't had any
As soon as he is out of earshot i dial bhabhijaan number quickly..
"Yes bhabhi.." she chirps from the other side ..
She seems to be ever happy and i feel kinda proud of my brother ..
Touch wood both my bhabhis are such a sweetheart.
"He is here.." i say.
"And..?" She questions
"What do i do..?"
"Stop freaking out and enjoy " she says and hangs up before i can argue back
What does she mean by enjoy..?
I cook him some hot food and place it on the table when i see him coming dowm the stairs in bhai trackpant.
"Sorry the shirt din't fit.. " he explained.
"Oh alright." I say and try my best to ignore those 8 abs
I serve him food and he eats like he hasn't eaten in days
After we are done i finally ask the question i have been wanting to ask him since he came in " Is everything okay..?"
"Sort of..he says.
"What do you mean..?"
" I tried out for the team and they said they will let me know...."
" I am scared.".
"So thats why you thought of me..?" I question.
"No have been on my mind for a few days now..
From the time i wake up to the time i sleep..
Even during matches..
It was my hideout from the world but now its not " he heaves
I look at him confused
"You are everywhere" he says closing his eyes and leaning back..
I sit next to him on the couch and he leans in to me..
"Can i ..? He says trying to hug
I dont answer and move in his arms.
He sighs in relief and hugs me close..
"Are we ..?"
"I don't know yet.." i say ..
I want him but i am hurt ..
"You won't give me a chance..?" He asks glassy eyed..
"I think you should sleep ..we will talk later.."
"But .." he says and i cut him off..
"You should sleep."
He gets up and heads upstairs..
I take a deep breath and follow him..
I dont know what the morning has in store for us and i am surely not ready for us..
Should i or should i not forgive him..

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