I didn't Ask for Either of you (34)

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Juliet started working at St. Mungo's right when she was told too, which was a week after the Hogwarts kids were let out. She was happy to start, since the twins really didn't need her help with their shop. Juliet made sure she has the day off for their grand opening though.

Juliet had told George about what happened with her father, and told him how much it upset her. It upset her because he still didn't recognize her as a part of the wizarding community and not the muggles.

The day of the grand opening had finally arrived, and when Juliet woke up George was already down in the shop. She quickly got dressed and join him, to find Fred and Lee down there as well. They were running around frantically, trying to make sure everything was in order. Juliet simply sat down on the counter with her coffee, knowing there was nothing she could say that would calm their nerves.

"Good morning." George said as he passed by her, stopping to kiss her on the forehead.

"Morning. Are you guys excited?" She asked them curiously.

"More like nervous!" Fred said, passing by her as well. They were all moving around rather quickly, even though they didn't open for another two hours. Just then, Juliet's phone buzzed in her hand, and she jumped off the counter in surprise.

"It's my dad. I'll be back soon." Juliet said quickly, kissing George on the cheek and appriating out. She didn't appreate to 221B, but to the new order headquarters. They had to change it because even though Sirius left it to Harry, it might fall to Bellitrix. Luckily, several order members were there, and pointed their wands at her in surprise.

"My dad just messaged me. Violet is at his house." Juliet said, getting right to the point.

"What's the address?" Mad-eye Moody asked instantly.

"221B Bake street, London. I'll go and distract her. In exactly five minutes, i'll try and detain her. I'm not sure who else is there or what kind of defenses she has so get there then." Juliet told them, appriating out as soon as the first person said okay.

When Juliet arrived at 221B she quickly gathered that Violet was alone. When she entered the her fathers apartment after climbing the stairs slowly, she found Violet with her wand to John's throat and Sherlock and Rose bound magically to their seats. Juliet had her wand pointed at Violet as well, but had a pleasant expression that matched hers.

"Juliet! What a surprise!" Violet said, happy that the message she saw Sherlock send worked.

"Sorry I took so long. We have the grand opening and all today." Juliet said casually.

"Really? I didn't know." Violet answered. Juliet took the conversation time to deduce what her true intentions were. She wasn't here to talk, the main goal was to capture Juliet. She thinks she can convince her to come quietly, which is why she was talking so casually. She started her tactic by telling Juliet how much the other side would like to have her on their side. She spoke to herself thoughtfully about why it was Juliet didn't want to be a death eater. It wasn't the killing, or the way they treated people because Juliet obviously didn't have a problem with that. It was the people she would be leaving behind. As a way of trying to convince her, she told her that the people she loved would be protected, as long as they didn't do anything too drastic.

As she spoke, her grip on John loosened. Thirty seconds until the order members were to come, Juliet saw her chance. She used her 'secret power' or, her ability to make earthquakes that she inherited from a random Black trait from their mom, to shake the ground underneath Violet. She lost her hold on John completely and Rose grabbed him, having found her way out of the bonds only seconds before.

Juliet and Violet threw a few spells back and forth for a moment before Juliet tackled her face first onto the floor. She grabbed the handcuff that just so happened to be laying under the couch and slapped them onto Violets wrists, as a hand full of order members burst into the room. Juliet cast a spell on the handcuffs to where she was the only one who could get them off, and lifted Violet off the floor.

"Well done." Her father said, after Remus unbound him from the chair.

"Thanks dad!" Violet said spitefully, with blood dripping down her nose from hitting it on the floor. "She always was your favorite."

"Please, I didn't ask for either of you." Sherlock said dismissively, causing John to say his name and the order members to look at him shocked. They had never actually met him, and already wanted to punch him in the face.

Tonks and some other order member grabbed Violet by the arms and appriated her to Grimuled place like Juliet asked them too. If she were taken to the ministry, there would be a whole bunch of trouble considering she is legally dead.

"I've got to get back to the shop." Juliet said to Kingsley. "Order meeting tonight right?"

"Yup. Bring the boys." He said, before leaving with everyone else.

"You coming Rosie?" Juliet asked, turning to the blond casually.

"I'll be there around two." She said smiling, but she was obviously still shaken up about what just happened. Juliet nodded, and was about to leave when her father grabbed her arm to stop her.

"I'm sorry." Sherlock said, sounding and looking like he really meant it.

"About today, or the other day?" Juliet asked him curiously.

"Both." He said simply.

"It's okay." She said, before appreating back to the shop. Since she was only gone for about 15 minutes, nothing had changed.

"I'm back!" She announced, looking out the window at the still growing crowd outside.

"Where'd you go?" George asked, looking out with her.

"I'll explain later, but there is an order meeting tonight." She told him, turning to look at him. She couldn't help but smile at him, since he looked so excited about the shop, and so nervous. He was adorable.

"What?" He asked, catching her staring.

"Nothing. I just love you." Juliet said smiling, causing him to smile as well.

"I love you too." He said back, pulling her into his arms with the biggest smile on his face.

A/N: I am so sorry for the lack of updates. I had to retype this chapter three times because it kept getting deleted! As frustrating as that was, I got it done.

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