Strange (25)

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Juliet came down for breakfast, reluctantly. She knew something was up when George came back so he explained what happened. She told him no at first, but he gave her a set of big eyes and she found herself sitting at the table with a plate of eggs. She didn't even eat breakfast!

No one tried to talk to her, thankfully. George had told them that they needed to start off slow, with getting her comfortable being there, before they started to actually talk to her. Molly and Sirius wanted her to feel comfortable enough to be herself, not the stone cold girl she is at order meetings.

Later in the afternoon, Juliet joined Fred, George, and Ginny in cleaning one of the rooms. She had run out of things to do in her room, and it wasn't Hermione, Ron, or Molly in there.

"I'm sorry, Ginny." Juliet said suddenly. The twins weren't listening, but Ginny instantly knew what she was talking about.

"It's okay." She said back, her voice sincere.

"It's not. I should have tried harder to make Dumbledore listen. I promised you that I would help you, and I couldn't." Juliet stated, thinking back to her fourth year at Hogwarts.

She had studied up about the chamber of secrets, and figured out that Ginny was being controlled into doing it. At the time she didn't know how, but she promised Ginny she would save her, but she was petrified soon after that.

"Juliet, in a way you did. You gave me hope." She said, putting her cleaning rag down. "If you apologies one more time, I'll throw you out the window."

Juliet laughed, a beautiful tinkling laugh that made George stop what he was doing just to listen. He looked over to see she was laughing at something Ginny had said, who was laughing as well. When they finished cleaning the room, Juliet's phone started to ring so she went up to her room. Juliet looked at the caller ID, to see it was her half-brother Andrew calling.

Andrew was the son of Roldophus and Bellitrix Lestrange, and was five years older than Juliet. When the war was over he was given to a foster family, and started to contact Juliet again as soon as he could, which was five years ago when he got out of school. He was a healer at St. Mungos, and was working on getting her an application, since Juliet had taken the tests to become a healer herself a few weeks previously.

He would be calling to tell her wether or not she would go on to the practical portion of the test. Since she was very smart, the people at st. Mungos decided to look over the fact that she was still in school, and give her a chance.

"Hello?" She said excitedly. She wanted to know if she passed, even though she was sure she did.

"Your practical exams are in two days." Andrew said from the other end of the phone.

"Yes! Thank you so much!" She said happily, closing the door as she entered her room.

"All I did was make them give you the test, you did everything else!" Andrew said, "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Andrew." Juliet said sincerely. She didn't talk with her brother often, but she loved when she did.

The two of them stayed on the phone for about an hour, talking about their lives and what Juliet would need for the test. If she passed, she would become a healer and join them to work during the Christmas holiday as an initiation.

Juliet didn't plan on telling anyone until she was sure that it would happen. So when it was time for her test, she snuck out quietly and appriated to St. Mungos. Her test went really well, and she passed better than anyone ever had before. She was to come on the first day of Christmas break, and spent the rest of the day with Andrew to celebrate. She was now a certified healer, and had a certificate to prove it.

When she got back, the order was in a frenzy. There were members all over the place, and Everyone looked up at her when she closed the front door behind her.

"Where have you been?" Sirius said loudly, coming up to her. "you just disappeared again!"

"I was out." She said, "what happened?"

"What happened was that you took off, and Harry was attacked by dementors! We thought you had been too!" Sirius said, sounding panicked, "where were you, and who were you with. We need to know everything, Juliet. Not just some simple answer."

"I was at st. Mungos from ten to three, Then with Andrew." Juliet said simply.

"Why were you at st. Mungos, and who on earth in Andrew?" Mad- eye moody asked her.

"I'm a certified healer now, I start during Christmas break. I was there to take the practical test." Juliet said, pulling her certificate out of her messenger bag as proof. "My brother, Andrew."

Mad-eye moody, and several other Order members showed obvious signs of being surprised. They didn't know she knew about Andrew .

"How long have you been in contact with him? Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" Kingsley shacklebolt asked her.

"About five years, and it isn't dangerous at all. Am I needed, or can I go?" Juliet asked calmly.

"Don't leave like that again." Sirius told her, before she walked out of the room. She decided to go to the twins room, instead of her own since they must be worried about her. She knocked on the door, and waited a second before letting herself in.

"I'm back." She said, poking her head in for a second. The boys were at a cauldron making a new version of their snack boxes.

"Where'd you go? Everyone freaked out when they couldn't find you" George said, looking up.

"Just out. What have you guys got going on here?" She asked, sitting next to them on the floor. They didn't bother her about leaving, which she appreciated.

Kit Harrington
Andrew Lestrange

Kit HarringtonAsAndrew Lestrange

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