Boggort in the room (22)

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The first thing Juliet noticed when she woke up, was that all of her memories were back. Her first instinct was to tell Fred and George, who were having breakfast with everyone else, so Juliet went down the stairs quickly. She was excited, and it felt like she could finally breath again.

The kitchen was full of people, but dead silent. Something had happened to make everyone awkward, causing her to hesitate at the door. She didn't do well with awkward. She caught Georges eye in the doorway and he gave her a soft smile that made her half-asleep heart flutter obnoxiously. She raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking him what happened.

In response, he nodded his head for her to go back up and stood up from the table. He put his plate away silently, and nudging Fred to come along before leaving. Juliet was waiting in their room for the two when they got there.

"What happened?" Juliet asked sitting on Geroges bed with her legs crossed. "There was an argument that I missed aperently."

"Yeah, there was" George said, laying on the bed next to her. Fred went to his own put propped himself against the wall. "Mum didn't want us to be around you."

"I- why?" Juliet asked, slightly hurt. George could tell it upset her to what it, only making him more angry about it. Then a look of realization crossed her face. "You argued with her?"

"Yeah, I told her it didn't matter why, and that I wouldn't do it. She didn't like that very much." George said sheepishly, sitting back up in bed

"I didnt do any arguing but I agreed." Fred said with a smile, tossing a ball of paper at George who dodged it with a laugh.

"Figured she only had to be mad a one of us." George said jokingly. The smile fell from his face when he saw how distraught Juliet looked.

"She thinks I'm dangerous, doesn't she." She asked, her hand resting near her mouth. "I haven't done anything to- I mean I did but- "

George knew that this was one of the few times Juliet needed a hug. He wrapped an arm around her waist and put a hand in her hair and she buried herself into his chest. She started to cry, for the first time since she found out she was going to participate in the tri-wizard tournament.

Fred watched in surprise, as Juliet burst into tears. He didn't expect that to happen at all, since he had never actually seen her cry, But George knew. Fred understood then, that what the two of them had was real. He always assumed it was one sided, in all honesty. He thought that George was dreaming up the way Juliet acted around him, because he had never seen any evidence of it until then.

Molly just so happened to be passing by the twins room, when she heard Juliets voice. She had asked what happened, so Molly decided to stay and listen to what they told her. They would probably make her out to be the bad guy. They explained very vaugly what happened, and she decided to move on, until she heard Juliet again.

"She thinks I'm dangerous doesn't she?" Juliet asked, so quietly that Molly could hardly hear her. "I haven't done anything- I mean I have but-"

Crying. Juliet was crying. Molly peaked her head in slightly to see that George had folded Juliet up onto his chest and was holding her comfortingly. This made Molly realize that, she had been wrong about her. It hurt Molly to know that she had misjudged someone so compleatly, and hurt not only Juliets feelings, but her son's as well.

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