Emotions on high (15)

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"What do you mean you can't find him?" Juliet asked Fred, two minutes before the second task was about to start. She was standing on the doc with him and Cordelia in a Ravenclaw one piece swim suit. They couldn't find George.

"McGonnagal asked for him earlier this morning, and I haven't seen him since." Fred said shrugging.

"Why would she- Oh my god!" Juliet said, starting to panic. She knew where he was.

"Whoa, Juliet! Breath! He'll show up." Fred said confused watching Juliet hyperventilate.

"He's in the fucking lake Fred!" Juliet said, tying to catch her breath.

"What?" He asked surprised.

"The task-" Juliet said as they announced for the champions to get ready. She cast the spell she made to make her be able to breath underwater.

She didn't want to use an obvious approach, like transfiguration or a bubble head charm, so she made her own. It allowed her to breath underwater for an unlimited amount of time, regulated her temperate, and helped with with seeing underwater As soon as she cast it, she couldn't breath above water so she dove into the lake the second she was told too.

Unlike the other champions, she didn't need time to adjust to the water, and took off. If she were to put someone in the lake, she would put them somewhere civilized. A grindelow village maybe. She headed in that direction.

She arrived there much slower than she wanted, and Harry wasn't far behind. She easily spotted two heads of red hair, Ron and George. Juliet didn't waist a second getting the ropes off of him, but just as she got them loose, something suction cupped itself to her neck.

Juliet pried the sickly green creature off of her neck painfully, and threw it back into the water. The angry grindelow was the least of her problems, as she attracted the attention of a selkie as she pulled George further away.

The Selkie had a sharp looking trident in hand, which was harder to dodge when she was under water. She pushed George up roughly, maligning him float towards the surface of the lake. Juliet managed to get the trident from the selkie after it stuck it in her thigh, making three deep puncture wounds. The salt in the water stung the leaking would, but she managed to throw the trident and push the creature away from her.

She swam to the surface, quickly pushing George up with her. When they broke surface, George drew a breath loudly as the spell wore off. He was disoriented and confused, being as he was in the black lake with Juliet.

Juliet's spell wore off at the same time as his, and she let go of him when he started to keep himself up on his own. The water around them started to taint red from her leg, so she started to swim towards the cheering crowds with him in tow.

George got onto the dock easily, lifting Juliet up onto it without hesitation. That's when he noticed the trail of blood in the water, and her bare, bloody leg. She had pressed her hand too it calmly, looking not phased by it.

Madam Pomfrey was at her side within a second, seeing her leg. She had handed George a blanket, and started working on Juliet's leg on the spot. Juliet gave George a soft smile, as he sat down next to her on the damp dock.

"Hello." She said jokingly, making him laugh.

"Hi." He replied, grinning in return. "I'm your something valuable, huh?"

Juliet just punched him in the shoulder, which turned into her grabbing a hold to it when the matron said a spell that made her skin heal itself, leaving behind scars like as if it healed on its own.

"You'll still need to take it easy. They weren't suppose to attack you like this." Madam Pomfrey said, before running over to the next champion that had surfaced. Fleur had been taken out before Juliet came back, and Krum was the one to come with Hermione.

Fred, Lee, and Cordelia came up to them quickly, as George helped her onto her feet. Her neck still stung for where the grindelow had stuck itself onto her.

"What happened?" Fred asked frantically, "Juliet started to freak and yelling about the lake and then she was gone and you guys come up an hour later and-"

"We're both fine." Juliet said, cutting him off. "George was tied to the bottom of the lake and I was stabbed by a selkie but we are fine."

"A selkie? I didn't know they had those down there." Cordilia said casually.

"They are prettier than you'd think." Juliet said back. The two girls started a conversation about the creatures, while Juliet leaned on George for support. He gave Fred a look that he couldn't quite figure out. He knew the emotions he was showing, he was showing fear, shock, excitement, confusion, and also the look he got when he thought about Juliet, but Fred didn't know what it meant. Then it hit him, George realized what his feelings were. He had been trying to figure them out for months, years even. But it wasn't until now, with Juliet leaning against him with wet hair and excited eyes, that he knew.

He wanted her to be his. He wanted to wrap his arms around her waist and never let go. She meant a lot to him, that much he knew before, but now he knew just how much. His mind flashed through all of the moments they had, from when they first met to when he last saw her.

When they met in first year, George wanted nothing more than to be her friend. When they became friends officially in third year, he wanted nothing more than to be more. He invited her to the Quidditch World Cup after fifth year on a whim, with only the slightest hope that she would except. He was over the moon when she did.

To see her outside of school was more amazing then he could ever imagined. Seeing her comfortable and happy and free warmed his heart and to see her wake up next to him was bliss. He thought back to when she was chosen for the tournament, and how he wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms and help her though it. When she crawled into his bed that night, and he finally did, he realized he would do anything to keep her there.

He didn't know how he hadn't know it until now. The signs were so obvious that he was sure she knew. His brain finally flashed to the day of the Yule Ball, and how beautiful she looked in her velvet dress, how they danced all night.

He was absolutely in love with Juliet Holmes.

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