Terms (23)

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"You want me to join the order." Juliet stated, as Dumbledore finally joined the meeting in the kitchen.

"You are correct. I'm assuming your memory's are back?" He asked pleasantly.

"I'm assuming you just got back from overseas, most likely recruiting- or attempting to get new members." Juliet stated, "why would I join the order?"

"Because you can help us." Dumbledore said, as it were obvious. "I've seen what you can do and-"

"And you have always disregarded me. Why would you believe my insite now, when you have disregarded it ever year for almost seven years?" Juliet asked, raising her eyebrows at him. "I have informed you of every single danger your school has faced since I arrived there and you have cast aside every single warning I've given you. I even told you where the chamber of secrets was, and what was in it. The only result in that, was me getting petrified because I knew too much."

"Those events were purely-" Dumbledore tried, but Juliet interrupted him once again.

"Purely avoidable. I told you Quarrel was trying to get the sorcerers stone, and that Lockhart was a fake, and that Sirius was innocent and hiding in the wimping willow, and that moody was an imposter. The only thing you did about that was let someone else handle it because you wanted to see what happened. What evidence do I have that every single piece of information I give you won't be ignored like it always has been? Because people's lives are at stake? That doesn't seem to make a difference to you."

Everyone was dead silent. They didn't know that Juliet knew all those things, and that Dumbledore did as well. You could hear a pin drop in the overcrowded kitchen, as everyone waited for what would happen next.

"I realize now that it was foolish of me to disregard you like that, and that you are a valuable asset to have." Dumbledore said, seeming sincere. "I assure you that you will never again be ignored. Please, consider this Juliet."

"I'll think about it." She said, getting up. She knew that she would choose to join, but decided she wanted to let them wonder for a while.

Juliet made her way up the stairs after walking out, ignoring the group of teenagers gathered at the top listening in with the twins new product. She wanted to be alone, and didn't care that they were listening. George thought about following her, but decided against it. She seemed pissed.

They continued to listen to the order meeting, expecting to hear Juliet play her violin like she always did. Instead of the violin, the heard a series of violent bangs coming from her room. They all froze up, not knowing what that sound was. It sounded dangerous.

"God damn it. I thought I took all her guns." Sirius cursed loudly. They heard his chair scraping on the floor and they scrambled to get the extendable ear away.

Sirius came out of the room and closed the door behind him, stopping when he saw the kids at the top of the stairs. He opened his mouth to say something but more shots came from the third floor. He just sighed and continued up the stairs.

"You," He said, pointing to George, "come with me. You're the one she's friends with right? She's gonna be mad when I take her gun, but I need you to keep her in their long enough for me to hide it again."

George just followed him up the stairs, giving Fred a curious look. When they got to the third floor, the bangs became louder. Sirius knocked on her door loudly, and the firing stopped. When Juliet opened the door she was dressed in her pajamas, George's sweater he had given her and a pair of shorts, and had her hair tied up.

"I'm thinking." She said, before going to close the door again. Sirius put his foot in the way and let himself in. There were several bullet holes in the wall near her bed.

"You know why I'm here." He stated, "we had an agreement."

"But-" Juliet started, but Sirius had already lunged for the object on her bed. Juliet went to stop him but George grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back. Sirius was out with the door shut before she could blink. George held onto her until she stopped trying to get away, at which point he let go.

"You might as well stay now." Juliet said, flinging herself onto the king sized bed.

"Sorry! I was given a job." George said laughing, laying down next to her with his back propped up on the headboard.

"But you didn't have to do it." She wined, making George's smile widen at how cute she was. She had laid down facing him, with her arm under her pillow. Her face turned serious as she remembered why she was shooting the wall to begin with.

"Do you think I should do it? Join the order I mean?" She asked him. She wanted his honest opinion, because she wasn't sure what to do. George laid down in the bed the same way as her, so he could be at the same level as her.

"I think that it's dangerous, but if anyone can handle it, its you." He answered, looking at her baby blue eyes.

"They are going to want me to do undercover work. I've had enough experience with that to know how it ends." Juliet said, examining George's face. Not reading him, but memorizing.

"They can't make you do anything you aren't comfortable with. If they ask you to do that, just tell them no. And as for Dumbledore not listening to you, the others will if he doesn't. He isn't the only one that can make a decision." He told her, watching her eyes wonder lazily over him.

Juliet nodded, but didn't say anything else. They laid there in silence for a few moments before George hesitantly moved closer to her. She responded by going the rest of the way, so their body's were pressed against each other and their legs found themselves intertwined.

Juliet noted once again, how safe she felt in George's arms. She had spend these past weeks feeling so stressed and scared, and with one movement he made it all go away. She knew what she felt for him, although she would never admit it.

After so many years of being told that love was a disadvantage, it was hard for her to come to terms that she was absolutely in love with George Weasley.

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