• Alarmed •

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[ E D I T E D ]

When I was a good 300 meters away from the house a bang echoed after me. I looked back in the direction of the noise and saw the same guy running towards me.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Think, think brain, come on that's what you're supposed to do, where do I hide? - I mentally repeated and asked myself the question.

Pushing my legs forward a bit further I turned left and ran into an alleyway. Ironic that it's probably going to be the second time I get kidnapped from an alleyway, by the same guy. 

I saw some boxes, big and small (SIZE DOESN'T MATTER, WELL... HERE IT DOES), and decided to hide behind them. I quickly sat down sliding down the wall and hugging my knees to my chest breathing heavily.

The footsteps soon followed near the alleyway I ran in.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Why didn't I run further away? I basically trapped myself.

I got up quickly thinking about jumping the fence beside me but didn't have enough time as when I was halfway over it the guy ran over to me pulling me off of it.

I quickly shrugged off his hands as if they had burned me and walked backwards until I hit the fence behind me. Fear started to creep up like little spiders going across your wall when you're half asleep and can't move anymore but still can open your eyes slightly. Yeah, it was terrible.

The scariest part was the way he slowly walked over to me, like a hunter nearing its prey.

I couldn't really say I didn't expect what came next but, he put his hands on the fence. All I could hear was his breath as it fanned over my neck and his hands gripping the fence beside me.

If I didn't know better and if this wasn't me trying to escape from a kidnapper I'd find this hot but it wasn't the case, now was it?

"Didn't the other guys tell you not to even try leaving?" he whispered in my ear while a shiver went down my spine. I responded with shaking my head as in 'no' and tried avoiding eye contact with him.

"Now, I won't hurt you but you really need to come back in, okay?" he asked looking me straight in the eyes. Since I avoided the eye contact once again he put his right hand under my chin lifting my head up to meet his eyes. Damn, they were so pretty.

"Use words," he added as if I was a small child who just entered the 1st grade of elementary school. 

"No," I shrieked not too loudly and pulled myself away from him trying to run away but a few steps after he pulled me back by my waist and pushed me up against the wall, his hands on mine against the brick wall behind me.

"If you don't do this agreeingly, I'll use force then," he threatened. I still persisted and shook my head, seeing this he pulled me away from the wall and in a quick movement put me over his shoulder.

I could feel the dominance radiating off of him as he walked back to the house and how he held me tight enough that I couldn't thrash around. Remembering the words he just said I realized there was more threat than I perceived there to be.

When he noticed I had given up trying to fight back like a wild chihuahua he put me down on my feet and grabbed my hand pulling towards the house again. "You know, I prefer that you carried me, I'm too lazy to walk," I whined but he just gave me a 'You serious?' look and rolled his eyes ignoring my words. That's one way to be civilized with a person.

When we walked back in I saw 3 more guys. Noticing me walk in they turned their attention to me, one of them had an apologizing smile on his face. I nodded at them as acknowledging their presence, as much as I didn't want to.

As soon as the guy released my hand I followed back to the room from what I could remember where it was. Seeing as the didn't give an honest fuck about where I wandered I decided to stay in the room if that's going to be the best option I have currently.

I looked through my phone and told my parents that I'm okay, for now. Soon after my phone went dead. Oh, riiiiiight I totally didn't forget to charge it yesterday afternoon. No, not at all.

After a while, my stomach started to make noise signalling I was hella hungry. Not caring a little bit now I asked, "If you're not going to explain anything can you at least give me some food?"

Of one of them nodded and gave me some chicken nuggets. I guess this is going to be ok - I thought to myself.

As I sat down I noticed they were staring at me, again. "What?" I asked bluntly not stopping to fill my face with the nuggets. 

"U-Uh, nothing. Okay. Huh. I'm Tony," one of the guys said, he had a small piercing on his right cheek and a lot of tattoos on his neck with short brownish hair.

I nodded trying to remember his name. Why would you though? Aren't you going to, like, escape? - My subconscious asked again.

Of course, I responded back trying not to talk to myself, again.

"And I'm Mike, uh..." he awkwardly introduced himself. He scratched the back of his neck giving me a smile before continuing, "I was the one... Uhh, who kinda kidnapped you for them."

I instantly stopped eating and looked up facing him, "Can I do something?" I asked with a sickly sweet voice, it could never be mine, it was so cat screeching like nasily.

He nodded before I stood up and kissed my hand. Next thing I heard was the sound of my palm connecting with his face. Afterwards, I quietly muttered to myself, "Hurts like a bitch, that's what he is anyway."

Seems like he heard, he had not only a shocked expression to the slap he received just now from me but the 'that's what he is anyway' too. That's what you get for kidnapping me though. I was glad I didn't hit him hard enough for it to leave a red imprint, that would've been cool though.

I sighed sitting back down and continued eating, "That's nice," I added for a good measure.

"Okay, wow. We've got a feisty one here. Don't mess with her dude," the guy chuckled. What's his name again? Ronnie? Pony? Sonny? Oh right, Tony.

"Feisty but hot as fuck," the guy, Mike, responded to which I rolled my eyes while continuing to eat and give him a death stare that great that'd he would squirm in his seat.

Stockholm Syndrome [vic fuentes x reader] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now