13- Temptation

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Scott passed by it everyday. Even when he didn't have to, he made some sort of excuse in his mind to make sure he passed by.

Sometimes he just stood there and stared. Other times he would just walk really slowly by, looking in longingly.

He only looked, he wouldn't dare touch, though he was always so tempted to. He just wanted to run his fingers across them, just feel how soft they were. Mitch would murder him with his bare hands if something happened to them.

Scott thought he was really good at making sure no one saw him, but he wasn't so lucky today.

'What are you doing?'

Scott turned around to look at Mitch who had a small smirk on his face. 'Uh.. nothing? Just uh.. going to the bathroom.' He chuckled nervously.

'Put one on.' Mitch walked towards his room.

'Wait, what?'

'I'm not an idiot, Scott. I see you staring at least once a day at my fur coats. You look amazing in pink, put it on. Take off your pants too, they look better that way.'

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