12- Strong

369 35 9

Lol these are all cheesy. I'm trying to make them all family/domestic so.. fluffy prompts for everyone.

He's had doubts since day one. The moment the idea was even brought up he questioned himself and everything he was capable of. He'd spent countless night unable to sleep, tossing and turning in his bed thinking about the what if's and things that probably would never happen but to someone who's anxious seems in the realm of possibilities. But it was fine because nothing would happen anytime soon, he had time to prepare, time to research, time to grow.

Except now it was here.

The call came and they had 24 hours to fly across the U.S. to pick up their newborn son.

It was too fast. He had things to do still. What about the nursery? What about getting the car seat installed properly? What about-

'Stop it.'

Mitch jumped, turning his body towards the door of the nursery he was currently standing in, with Scott leaning on the door frame looking at him.

'I know you, and I know you're thinking too much.' Scott pulled Mitch with him towards the rocking chair, bringing Mitch down to his lap and wrapping his arms around him. 'Everything is gonna be okay.'

'Easy for you to say, you're great with kids.' Mitch mumbled, leaning back into Scott.

'You are too! Landon has always taken a liking to you and your nieces and nephews love you.'

Mitch sighed. Scott was right, but it didn't necessarily make him feel any better.

'What if I can't figure out what's wrong with him and he cries all night? What if he grows up and hates me?'

'Mitchy,' Scott sighed, leaning his head onto Mitch's. 'You are one of the strongest, bravest, and kindest person I've ever met. If anyone can adapt to a new situation and take on something they're not sure about, it's you. I've always admired that about you. You're going to be the best dad and I'll be right beside you helping every step of the way. We're a team. You're stuck with me on this journey whether you like it or not.' Scott kissed Mitch'a temple.

'You think we're ready?'


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