Chapter 14

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The more we killed, the better we were at it.

Luther was good, not as good as me but I guess he was a fairly high level, but have only had experienced killing in groups.

But that didn't stop him from splitting a zombie guard into two as we made our way towards the main hall, where the sorcerer would be.

"Up there and take a right, hopefully you can catch him off guard" said Luther before taking a left and disappearing into the darkness on his mission.

Activating my stealth I made my way towards the main hall as quiet as I could.

The room opened up into a fairly dark chambers. A large throne made from obsidian sat at the head of the large room, and I could see a quite skinny man rushing from table to table grabbing objects and flasks and body parts and quickly rushing to another table to mash them together or whatever he was doing.

The gold thing was he hadn't spotted me yet.
A couple guards were stationed around the room, watching there master.

I was able to creep up to a couple and kill them without alerting the others.
With only one left I made my way towards it but it noticed me.
Before it could react I had thrown my tiny dagger so hard that it pierced it's neck and into the wall behind the guard.
Keeping it held up standing.

The crazy man didn't even notice.

"Bobby!" Screamed the man and I almost jumped in surprise.
The mad man looked over at the guard I had just killed, maybe he had noticed it was dead. But why did he yell bobby?

"I've done it! Bobby. I've made the cure to my knock out gas!
I won't accidentally knock you guys out anymore when I try to knock out my enemies"

That was all I needed to hear.
Bursting out of the darkness I drop kicked the man, whilst catching the potion in his hand.

Downing the potion that tasted like feet, I stood up looking over the crazy man.

Black smoke started eradicating from the man towards me, and that's when my fear kicked in, what if it takes a while for the potion to kick in?

I didn't have time to test this as I was quickly engulfed in the black smoke that filled the room.
My head started spinning and I couldn't see.

And I knew I had messed up.
But then I started to see again, the black smoke becoming more and more clear, and my head went back to normal.

Sheer terror filled the mans face, but he then screamed and the room burst with monsters.
From all doors vampires, zombies, Giant wolves and even more strange creatures made there way into the room to defend there master.

There mistake.

Hundreds dropped to the ground knocked out before they thought enough to not go into the black smoke.

The crazy man quickly realizing his mistake quickly dissipated the smoke but the monsters didn't budge, looking at the huge circle of monsters on the ground not moving.

Without his army or his black smoke, the mad man charged.

But that's when Luther showed up with our army.

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