Chapter Eight - Goodbyes - Part One

Começar do início

"Really, Samantha, you're not. I can't have you getting the customers sick."

I looked into his crows feet eyes, lowering my voice so the others couldn't hear me. "Please, Remmy," I pleaded, sounding desperate. 

He looked away and seemed to debate for a moment. I would have been worried, but I knew what Remmy would ultimately do. He wouldn't risk his business. 

"I can't risk you spreading your sickness to anything." He stressed the 'anything,' referring to more than just the people that came to his restaurant. Though they didn't publicly reveal themselves, if you were paying attention it wasn't hard to spot a werewolf. 

I sighed, choking on my words. "I understand. I'll go."

Remmy patted me on the back with his unusually large hands before leading me to the front of the building. I stopped outside the kitchen doors and went to shake his hand, but he pulled me into a hug. I froze momentarily, before reluctantly hugging him back. 

He whispered softly into my ear. "Good luck, Samantha."

I pulled away immediately, shock and fear lining my features. He glanced around, patting my shoulder once more. When he saw no one in earshot, he smiled and again spoke softly. 

"You know, not everyone gets the chance you do. I tried, but they told me I was too high of a risk to go missing. But, I was able to convince them to take you."

I stared at him, dumbfounded. I'd found someone to take me across the border months ago, but when I stated my case they refused me. I never heard from them, or anyone like them, again. I was heartbroken. I couldn't understand why they would refuse me. A month went by and I 'd almost given up until one night I returned home late. I found a hastily written note with a date, time, and place. I could only assume it was them, but I could never figure out what changed their minds. Now, here it was, standing in front of me. 

"You-what? How?" My voice stuttered. 

He smiled warmly. "Well after they told me 'no,' and they saw I wasn't going to go crazy on them, they sort of included me on a few things going on around here. You were one of them."

I couldn't find the words to speak. This man, who I had worked under for at least three years, was a complete mystery. 

He ignored my blank look, speaking faster now. "Samantha, just be careful. If Emily and the kids could go, I'd send them with you in a heartbeat. But, I know they wouldn't make it. It's not easy out there," He grimaced. "Things have changed. But, I know you're smart. You just have to remember to be smart. Now, do you have all the supplies you need?"

I nodded, but he could see my hesitation. "I have a bit. I had to give most of what I have to the hospital." 

"Do you have enough for their payment?"

My heart stopped. Mistake number two. "Payment?"

Remmy's eyes widened. "Yes, the payment. They don't exactly do this for free."

"I hadn't even thought of that," I started. My mind was racing, trying to calculate how much I could spare. It wouldn't be enough for any form of payment. "H-how much do they want?"

Remmy looked my small frame up and down, biting his cheek. "Wait here."

I watched Remmy's tall frame disappear. His black hair was pulled into a ponytail at the base of his head, and it swung as he rushed off. Not too much time passed before he was back in front of me, holding a grocery sack of something. I peered inside, taken aback by the amount of food a single plastic bag could hold. 

"This was what I was saving up. I don't need it anymore."

He thrust the bag into my hand, not letting me refuse him. My gaze moved between the bag and Remmy, eyes wide. 

"Sir, I can't take this," I began. I tried putting it back in his hands, but they were placed firmly on his hips. 

He cut me off. "You can and you will. Now, you need to get going and I have to get back. Do you have something to carry that in?" 

I nodded slowly, my mind trying to catch up with the situation. 

"Good. Don't be late tonight. They won't wait for you." 

Before I could breathe another word, Remmy began pushing me out the door. When his hands left my back I turned around to thank him, but he was already gone. 

I stood in place and gawked again and the supplies he'd given me. However, I soon felt a gaze on my back. I turned around and met curious onlookers, all of whom were sitting at various tables. I silently swore to myself, glancing at the clock above the door. I'd spent too much time in there. 

Rushing past the suspicious glances, I grabbed my sack from the corner and headed out the door. The bell rang once more, welcoming me into the fresh air. 


OK, ALSO GUYS WE ARE PAST 3,000 READS AND #416 IN WEREWOLVES. WHAT WHAT! (Seriously just excited cause I didn't think anyone would read this thing in the first place...)

That's all. 

Next update should be pretty soon. I just have to plan it...and write it...and edit it...and post it....

Not My Alpha (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora