Ch. 11

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"Thanks again for coming with me to drop them off." Justin had his hand on the steering wheels.

I wanted to answer him with my voice really badly, but I just couldn't. But I was sure that he would hate it. He would hate me. Am I crazy for thinking that? Maybe? Maybe Ben was right and he just wanted to play with my emotions until he got what he wanted. But would a guy go through all of that just for himself? I needed a perspective. I needed to talk to Ben. Unfortunately for me, the police was still undergoing investigation and my phone was still considered "evidence".

"Marie! Marie Grace!" I snapped out of my trance. Justin laughed.

"Thinking too hard? Anything on your mind?" Justin smiled.

"I guess. I really want to talk to Ben. I know it's only been less than 12 hours, but still." I signed wearily.

"Sure. No problem. But he's at school so we'll go later. That okay with you?" He said hesitantly. I knew that Ben and Justin weren't the best of friends, but they could at least try for couch's sake.


We were upstairs in his room watching Pitch Perfect because he apparently hadn't seen it before. He kept calling me Lily because of the character in the movie who didn't really talk and was Asian. It seemed like he enjoyed it, but I couldn't tell for sure.

"That was awesome!" Justin still acted like a child, which was cute and endearing. He grabbed the remote and pressed the pause button. "You didn't tell me it would be this good." He said with a crazy grin. "What's next?"

We watched movies the entire day, only stopping for bathroom breaks and food. We ended up watching Pitch Perfect, Pitch Perfect 2, It, and Wonder Woman. Since I had read the book, It, I already knew what would happen, but I was still scared.

"Those were some great movies, if I do say so myself." He proudly puffed.

"Yes, but I have to say that the best part, was hanging out with you." I signed.

"So quiet, yet so sappy and cliché, what am I going to do with you Marie Grace?" Justin said smugly.

"Maybe kissing?" I leaned over and gave him a quick peck which turned into a kiss, which turned into a longer kiss. And so on and so forth. You don't need to know the details. But we didn't have sex, don't worry.

"I like-like you, Justin." I tried to sign, but it turned into a sloppy mess.

"I like-like you too Marie." He kissed me again, stopping only to breathe.


"Hey, so is it okay if we pick up my sisters then see Ben?" Justin asked nonchalantly. I thought that he had forgot. What a smart boyfriend I had.

"Sure." I signed back.

We were in the kitchen with Chris who was pouring fruit loops in a bag for Jean. Justin and I were on the precipice of leaving but we still had about five more minutes until we had to leave. It was fun spending alone time with him, which I wasn't used to. I was surprised I didn't go crazy without seeing my dad, Teresa, or Ben in a week. Police had notified me, via Justin's cell, during the day that they had my father in custody and were questioning him. They also said that I could talk to him tomorrow.

"Time to go Marie," Justin grabbed the keys. I followed him out to a minivan which I assumed was his mother's.

We arrived just in time at the middle school, picking up Sally and the twins. There was a gigantic line behind us.

"Thank couches that we were one of the first for the pickup line." Justin smiled at me. There he went again with that couch phrase. I rolled my blue eyes smiling.

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