Ch. 7

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And of course it landed on... Justin. But even before I could do anything, Rosy hollered at me.

"Spin again!" She yelled. I really didn't want to spin at all but I didn't want to also seem like a coward. But then, Justin kissed me. It felt magical because I hadn't been kissed before. His lips were so soft and lightly brushed against my lips. It was heavenly. The kiss soon became rough and-

Just kidding! Well, sort of. He did peck me on the cheek which I was fine with. I was relieved that I didn't actually kiss anybody. I didn't think that I was ready. Everybody ignored the peck, including Rosy. But I bet that if it was a real smooch, she would definitely be up in my face.

Justin was spinning the bottle, when my phone went off. It was Ben again.

Ben- Hey, how are you feeling?

Me- A little better I guess.

I didn't know why I kept on lying. Why couldn't I just tell him the truth.

Ben- I have a surprise for you.

Me- Really?

Ben- Yeah, come outside your house.

Me- Umm... I'm pooping.

I lied. Maybe he would leave and it would all be fine. Right? Well, wrong.

Ben- Okay, I'll wait.

Me- Ben, I have to tell you something.

Ben- Ok.

I bit my lip. I was really gonna tell him the truth.

Me- I'm not actually pooping. I'm with Justin at Rosy's party.

I waited for his reply, but it didn't come. I think that I ruined a relationship. I didn't even notice Justin peck Rosy on the cheek when the bottle landed on her. I really didn't even care at the moment because I was too focused on Ben. It had been twenty minutes since the text and still no reply. The game finally ended and everyone was just socializing and getting drunk. Justin was talking to Rosy who seemed quite interested in what he had to say. I would have cared more if there wasn't something on my plate. And by plate, I meant Ben. I was sitting on the couch too scared to even look at my phone, drinking some Sprite when he walked in. His green eyes were angry and annoyed. I hid in the couch trying not to be seen. Some of the kids were laughing at him while others ignored because they were too drunk to care. I peeked over to see if he had left but then he saw me. Crap! He ran up to me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the party.

It was more cold then it was when a few hours earlier. I zipped up my jacket. Ben was fuming.

"What the hell are you doing here!? And why didn't you at least invite me?" He signed to me with an anger that I had never seen before.

"Let me explain," I tried to sign calmly.

"No! Were you even sick?" He signed in frustration.

"Just hear me out." I tried to sign to him but he threw up his hands and walked away from me.

"So you're telling me that you lied to me, your best friend, for a guy you just met! Unf*cking believable!" He was pissed.

"Hear me out, please." I begged.

"Fine." Ben sat down on the curb with his arms crossed, still pissed as hell. I sat down beside him. I told him everything from Justin getting swirlied to my parents issue. I left out the detail where he pecked me on the cheek just a few minutes ago. He remained motionless the entire time, just nodding his head once and awhile. I didn't know whether he was still angry or understood.

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