Ch. 6

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"Glad you built the courage to come, too bad your little deaf friend couldn't make it."

What did she just say? Did I hear correctly? I would have slapped her right then and there but chose to ignore her and her snide comments. She was just a b*tch and there was nothing else to it. If I had actually hit her, I would have lost my own worth because I was being the bigger per-

"You know you're just his new slut." She whispered in my ear again. Oh no she didn't! Be the bigger person Marie! Be the bigger person Marie! I had to recite my mantra to keep my cool. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction that she got to me. She didn't even know me well enough to call me a slut. I walked away from her as fast as I could before the beast inside of me took over. I laughed at my thoughts for even thinking about a beast inside me that could bite her head off because I knew that I was too much of a scaredy cat to actually do damage to her. I was just this little shy Asian girl who didn't even talk. Maybe Justin had started to bring out a confidence I never knew existed to give me these thoughts. I attempted to find Justin but it was useless with all these other people here crowding the house. Feeling alone, I sat on the steps to the second floor, drinking a water. I was playing Angry Birds for a good ten minutes before he finally sat down beside me.

"Sorry I haven't talked to you, Rosy had me helping her with the keg." The fact that he knew how to work the keg sparked my curiosity and distrust. I still barely knew the guy and I was finding out information about him right and left. When we were alone, he seemed like this imaginary person who could never exist in a world for me but when in company, he seemed different. Still flirtatious of course, yet harder to talk to. His friends weren't my kind of friends. Maybe I just needed to learn more about him before I could judge him. I always thought that high school parties were supposed to be fun, however that was just in the movies. I didn't belong here. This party was just too rambunctious for me. Needing to pee, I walked over to the bathroom on the first floor. The line was way too long though. I only drank one water and I had to pee so bad. So even though there was an explicit sign next to the stairs to not go on the second floor, I went up them anyway to find a bathroom. Lo' and behold, I found myself in the make out hallway. And I thought that the downstairs was bad, but this was just plain awful. Everywhere I looked was a couple sucking on necks, faces, and other stuff I didn't want to mention. It was like they were savage animals in mating season. I didn't see any penis in vagina action, thankfully. I would have puked on Rosy's floor if that were the case. I had the feeling, however, that the action was taking place in the bedrooms. I ran back downstairs not caring if I urinated in my pants, because I would rather pee in my pants than run into a sex scene. I waited in line, tapping my foot, squirming, and whatever else I had to do to keep myself from literally peeing on her floor. Finally, the bathroom was open. I ran inside like a madman and did what I had to do.

I searched for Justin in the crowds and found him chatting with some guys near the kitchen. I tapped his shoulder to make my presence known.

"Oh hey there! Having fun?" He asked grinning. Even before I could answer, one of the guys Justin was talking to piped up.

"So Justin, whose your friend?" A black dude asked, clearly drunk.

"Guys, this is Marie." I waved hello to them after Justin's introduction. "Marie, this is Dave and Greg." The black guy named Dave waved hello and so did Greg. "You probably know them better since I'm new." Justin said chuckling knowing full and well that I had no clue who these two guys were. His friends seemed quite friendly. I could tell that Greg was the designated driver for Dave since he was definitely not drunk. He had some fruit punch in his hand.

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