T e n"Together"

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Bellamy sat in the drop ship just watching over the captive. Miller then popped up into the higher level and made his way over to Bell. Bell couldn't think properly on what to do with this grounder.

Did you talk to The Ark? I told Digg's mom the news, John's dad. I'm supposed to talk to Roma's parents later" Miller explained with hands rested on his hips.
"Thanks for doing that. I owe you" Bell replied, Miller then turned to face the grounder,
"Telling all these parents that their kids were murdered by Grounders, I just wish I could say we were getting some justice Miller spat angry, "We're not killing him" Bell demanded.
"You were a lot scarier when you had that face paint on" Miller said while placing some paint over his face, Bellamy watched as the grounder then head butted Miller, Miller landing on the ground and just groaning.

Dom sat up and realised she was back in her tent. She made her way over to the main tent to find Clarke talking to the Ark. The council was talking, Dom saw her dad , he asked if she was okay.

"I'm good, just healing" Dom replied. Clarke looked at Dom then back at Jaha and Chris who was on the screen, "with the help of Bellamy Blake Dom is alive, he cared for her when she was unconscious" Clarke spoke, Dom gulped and exhaled.
" Bellamy Blake would do that for me?" Dom had running though her head.  The council then talked about a supply shed that had equipment for the 100 to last the entire winter. When the talk between Clarke and the ark were done It was Dax's turn to talk to his mom. As Dom and Clarke looked for him Dom told Clarke that She was going on that mission with her, "No, you're healing, you need rest- I've gotten my rest, please, it's the least I could do" Dom argued, the blonde finally agreed. Back in the main tent, Dax was talking to Commander Shumway. Shumway had a deal with Dax that if he killed Bellamy Blake he would get mis mother on the first drop ship to earth.

While Clarke packed rations needed for this trip Dom went to go see Finn in the drop ship. She was encountered by O and saw her sitting by the ladder, "Finally, you're awake" O spoke smiling, Dom smirked and folded her arms, "Where's Finn? In his tent?" Dom asked, O nodded in agreement and watched as Dom left the drop ship.
Octavia really needed to see the Grounder, she felt terrible about what Bellamy and the others did to him.
As for Bellamy, he made his way down the ladder to see O waiting.
He told her she wasn't going to see, that she should get comfortable.

Clarke walked in, "Bellamy" Clarke mentioned, Bell nodded a no,
"The answer is still no. I'm not talking to Jaha." He demanded straight forward, the blonde nodded her head,
" Hey, relax. That's not why I'm here." She responded just annoyed by his attitude. Bell grunted, "What, then?" He responded.
"The Ark found some old records that show a supply depot not too far from here" Clarke whispered, Bellamy rasped his brow, "What kind of supplies?" He faintly responded,
"The kind that might give us a chance to live through winter. Me and Dom are gonna go check it out. I could use backup" Clarke replied, Bell'a expression changed when he heard her name.
"She's awake?" He asked, Clarke nodded. "No, she can't come- I tried telling her, she's stubborn" Clarke said interrupting Bellamy.
Dom smiled as she interacted with Finn, "I'm glad you're better, I wouldn't know what I'd do if I lost you" Dom said, Finn reached out and gripped her hand, "Same. We've been through a lot together" Finn spoke, Dom nodded and enjoyed his comfort. The tent flap opened and it was Raven, "Take care of him, I'll be gone for a while, but I'll be back" Dom whispered to Raven, she nodded and Dom left. She had walked out to see Bellamy, she noticed he was packing rations.

She walked over and smiled at the tall freckled face, "Good to see you, also I just want to say thank you, thank for uhm taking care of me while I was knocked out" Dom spoke, he smirked lightly. He then continued to pack the small bags of nuts we collected, "He's coming with us" Clarke said as she walked past, Dom folded her arms.
"That's a lot of rations. You realize this is a day trip?" Dom said then grinned, "A lot can happen in a day." He replied then grinned.
As the three of them walked over to find the place with Clarke's given Coordinates Dom felt like she was being watched. She kept looking around but couldn't see anyone...
Dom and Bell fell behind Clarke as she looked for the area.

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