O n e "Earth"

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I could feel my breathing starting to shorten, my hands were sweaty and an aching pain was striking my chess. Oh no, an anxiety attack. Dom started gasping for air and couldn't calm down,

"Are you okay?"

"What's wrong with her?"

"Look at her, what is she doing?"

You heard these voices murmured as you started freaking out even more, before you knew it you blacked out and landed smack down onto the floor cold.


Movement woke her up, "Dominique?! Dom please wake up?!" A couple of voices spoke, Dom's eyes now slowly opening to see some teens she knew from a few of her classes, she felt a restraint holding her and looked down at her body to see that she was strapped into a chair, "Where am I?" she mumbled under hear breath.

"Drop ship, to earth" she heard a familiar voice coming from her left, her head slowly turning to see Well's and Clarke, "WELL'S? CLARKE? Wait What? Earth?" Dom asked with a raised brow. Both nodding,
"We are being sent to earth to see if it's survivable" Clarke spoke.

"Gotta love our parents" Dom responded referring to the council. She then turned to face Well's again, Dom knew that Clarke wasn't on great terms with him. "How'd you even get here? You weren't in the Sky box?" Dom whispered, Well's just gulped, "Once I heard they were sending prisoners to the ground, I had to make sure I came and got myself arrested, I mean who else would keep an eye on you two" he explained, I raised a brow,
"Yeah, I can take care of myself... Kinda, so can Clarke" Dom replied. Suddenly the lights blinked, the drop ship became unsteady, "What was that?" Clarke asked while looking at Dom and Well's. Dom gulped and looked up at the ceiling,
"That was the -atmosphere" Well's said finishing Dom's sentence.

The screen glitched in front of the teens, then appeared Chancellor Jaha, he was explaining about second chances and a chance for man kind, that mount weather had supplies for us.
People started cheering randomly, the three teens payed close attention to see a floating guy making his way over, Dom saw his face and realised it was Finn Collins, the boy you had earth skills with and grew an untouchable friendship that involved way too much sarcasm. He hadn't noticed you yet.

"Your dad floated me, after all" Finn spoke while crossing his arms floating on his back.
"Enough Finn" Dom responded with a a slight demanding tone, it caught Finn's attention and he plastered a smile on his face when he recognised the girl that responded.
"You should strap on before the the parachutes deploy" Well's mentioned, Dom agreed and Finn just clenched his jaw. Other teens now copying Finn's dumbass idea and knifed there way out of their strapped seats.

Clarke's eyes now meeting with Dom's then examined the two other guys escaping their seats,

"Hey! you two, stay put if you want to live" she demanded, Dom scoffed and noticed as they didn't obey her best friends orders,
"Stay in your seats?!" Dom demanded, the drop ship became more unstable and she knew this was going to turn out horrible. A sudden BANG and the drop deployed its parachutes preparing for landing, the boys bodies flew past and hit the metal walls, "FINN" Dom yelled worried. Wire sparks started blowing off due to the landing and the fact that this ship was most likely a 100 years old, Dom's prayers were now accompanied by the screams of the 100. She turned to her left and examined and eavesdropped into Well's and Clarke's conversation,

"Clarke I need to tell you something, I'm sorry I got your father arrested - Don't you talk about my father" Clarke shouted back at Well's, Dom gulped and knew that this problem was between them.

Screams kept on going and finally we had landed smack down onto surface. Peoples murmurs started rising as they escaped there seats,
"The outer door is on the lower level" a guy shouted informing everyone, I got out of my seat and hugged Finn,
"You're insane, don't do that again" you said after hugging him, he nodded and then bent down to check the pulses of the bodies that had been knocked out. "Are they?" Dom asked, Finn looked up at her and Clarke, giving them a look which meant yes, yes they were dead. Dom's heart pounded, next thing you know she blacked out again. Damn the second time.


"She's been out for 15 mins, are you sure she's okay?" A guy spoke, Dom's eyes opened and realised it was Finn speaking, she sat up and rubbed her head, "Ow, ugh, I blacked out again?" She asked while facing Finn, Well's and Clarke, all nodding. Finn slowly helped her up, "Come on, the doors are open" Clarke spoke, Dom's eyes went wide.

"I get to see earth?" She mumbled, Finn shot her a smile and nodded.

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