S i x"Murphys Law"

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Jasper was better. Healing. Dom had just woken up in the tent she shared with Clarke. She sat up and realized that she saw a Vulnerable side of Bellamy. She then shook off the feeling because she reminded herself that Bellamy was still some sort of an asshole.
"Morning" Clarke spoke while entering the tent, Dom nodded and watched as Clarke had removed her wristband.
"Where's your- Let me explain, don't get angry" Clarke responded. She then talked about how she wanted Abby to feel the pain, she explained what happened with Well's and how they made up, plus Monty was close to communicating with the ark, hopefully.


The wall was nearly built. Bellamy bumped into Dom just as he came back from placing a log away for the wall.
Dom blinked and looked down before looking up at Bellamy again, he opened his mouth when Octavia called out for Bellamy and Dom.
Both ran inside the main tent to meet up with Clarke, Jasper and O.
Jasper and Octavia had explained that Well's was dead, his fingers were chopped off and his body was found outside the wall. Dom felt her chest cave in, a massive weight over came her. She wanted to scream.
"No, No, why?" She cried out, Clarke came over and wrapped her arms around Dom trying to calm her down.
Bellamy watched the girl who cried, the girl who now had to handle two deaths this week. Bellamy flared his nostrils and stood next to Dom, his left hand reaching down to intertwine their fingers, she gripped back.


"This knife was made out of metal, from the drop ship," Clarke said examining it. Jaspers expression changed, "What do you mean?" Jasper asked. Bellamy exhaled, "who else knows about this?- No one, we brought it straight here" Octavia replied fast.

"This means the grounders didn't kill Well's. It was one of us." Clarke spoke.
Jasper looked around the circle we formed,
"So there's a murderer in this camp?" Jasper asked, Bellamy, saw the way Dom's head looked down, a reminder of what she had done to Atom.
Bellamy looked back at Clarke,

"There's more than one murderer in this camp. This isn't news, we need to keep it quiet" Bellamy explained, Dom watched as her best friend didn't take no for answer. It was dangerous to just call asking for the murderer.

"You don't even know who's knife that is- Really? J.M, John Murphy. The people have a right to know" Clarke responded and pushed past.
Bellamy and Dom followed as she made her way outside towards Murphy.

"You son of a bitch!" She yelled then pushed him, Murphy slightly laughed and smiled, "What's your problem?" He asked, Dom gulped and stood next to the very angry Clarke. Usually, Clarke never explodes, its usually Dom doing it for her... "Recognise this?" Clarke asked while holding up the DIY knife he had made.

The 100 all gathered around the commotion. "it's my knife. Where did you find it" Murphy replied while trying to grab it.

"Were you dropped It after you killed Well's" Clarke spat back. "Where I what? The grounders killed Well's, not me." Murphy replied. "I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it" Clarke spat. Bellamy had his arms folded and watched as Clarke tried to get Murphy to admit.

"Really? Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" Murphy asked while staring right at Bellamy. Bellamy didn't respond and just shifted his weight from side to side. Clarke inhaled, getting ready to blast Murphy with her words,

"You threatened to kill him, we all heard you. You hated well's- Plenty of people hated Well's, his father was the chancellor that locked us up" Murphy snapped at Clarke while stepping forward. Dom stepped in and pushed Murphy, "Oh shut up, we all know that you wanted to kill him" Dom yelled. Clarke stepped forward again,
"You're the only one who got in a knife fight with him- Yeah I didn't kill him then either" Murphy said interrupting Clarke.
"Tried to kill jasper too" Octavia spoke out, everyone started whispering.
"Come on this is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you, I don't have to answer to anyone!" Murphy shouted while walking around the people who had gathered around.

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