F i v e "Gain"

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It was first light, early morning. Dom was examining Jasper in the drop ship, "His pulse is thready" Clarke said, "Go back to sleep already!"
"Just die already" people shouted as they tried to sleep. Dom hated those morons who would speak like that.
"Keep an eye on him. I'm gonna get clean water" Clarke said leaving. Dom then placed a wet towel over his head, "Any luck with transforming those bracelets to communicate with the ark?" Dom asked staring at Monty, he nodded a no and continued. Once Clarke had come back up she mentioned that there was a young girl named Charlotte in the camp. Dom took another look at Jasper's spear wound, "This is infected Clarke, could be septic" Dom explained, Clarke got down on her knees to take a closer look when Well's and Finn joined. Both Well's and Finn needed to hold him down so Clarke could take out any infected flesh. Jaspers groaning was louder, "Hold him still!" Dom yelled, there was movement up the ladder and Octavia joined, "Stop it you're killing him" she said and rushed over, "They're trying to save his life" Finn replied, "They can't" Bellamy spoke as he reached the top level. Dom looked up and saw Well's telling Bellamy to back off.

"We didn't drag him all the way here in the middle of the woods just to let him die- The kids a goner, if you can't see that, then you're deluded. He's making people crazy" Bellamy said interrupting Clarke, "Sorry if Jaspers an inconvince to you, but this isn't the ark, down here every life matters" Dom snapped at Bellamy. "Take a look at him, he's a lost cause" Bellamy blurted. Octavia exhaled and seemed like she was going to faint, "Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mom heal people, if I say there's hope, there's hope" Clarke spoke while facing O.

"This isn't about Hope, it's about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He's been like this for 3 days. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself" Bellamy explained, Dom stood up,

"You know how much of a dick you are? If you were in Jaspers state I wouldn't give up on you. No matter how much of an asshole you are, I'd still be here trying my best, I wouldn't be thinking about who has guts or not. This is about surviving,we are going to save Jasper" Dom explained, Bellamy looked down, then up at her. Dom clenched her jaw as she watched him leave.


Bellamy was gathering up a group of hunters so they could help him with getting food for camp. Bellamy made his way to the drop ship and saw two guys fighting over who knows what, "Hey!" Bellamy yelled, he watched as Dom walked over and stood in between them,
"Stop it, and go back to finishing off the wall, NOW!" She demanded, both guys heading back and left Dom with an impressed Bellamy. He came closer to her, both now standing side by side and examining the working 100.

"They listen to you." Bellamy spoke while staring at her, she finally turned to make eye contact, "Good. Cause I'd prefer that they listen to me than you" she snapped, Bellamy grinned.

"Dom, I'm sorry about gripping you too hard earlier on the wrist" Bellamy said genuinely, Dom smiled and raised her brow, "Wow, you called me Dom. Not princess, I am truly impressed" Dom replied before fake clapping. Bellamy chuckled sarcastically.
"Are you any good at hunting?" Bell asked curious of what skills this girl had to offer, "I'm average" she replied.

"Get hunting gear" Bellamy spoke, Dom rolled her eyes, "Yeah you can't make me serve yo- Not for me, for you, you're coming on this hunt" Bellamy interrupted then walked off, Dom stood there and raised her brow... Ouu awkward.

Dom was encountered by Clarke and Octavia, "I'm taking Well's and Finn to get seaweed for Jasper, where are you going?" Clarke asked Dom as she examined Dom placing knifes in her waistbands. Dom gulped and opened her mouth but soon was interrupted,
"Hunting with us" Bellamy spoke while walking over with his Axe.

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