⌘ Chapter 5

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I SAT UP - or tried to, since I ended up failing

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I SAT UP - or tried to, since I ended up failing. My arms suddenly turned to mush, trembling at the smallest of movements. At this, he hurried to my side and pushed me back down.

"Don't move. Please. Scorpius, get a healer. They need to know she's awake."

"On my way," the Slytherin obeyed.

Said so, Scorpius dashed outside. I reverted my tired eyes back to Albus. His grassy eyes seemed darker than usual - a shady hue laid over them, trapping their bright shine behind its engulfing mist. Last time she had seen this dangerous glow was when Harry had forced him apart from Scorpius.

"Gone?" I repeated, "What do you mean gone?"

"You disappeared. We thought it was some sort of assault, until..."

I waited. And waited. In my impatience, I figured if it was for him, he'd go dumb.

"Until what, Albus? For Dumbledore's sake!"

"You were found on the doorsteps of the Malfoy Manor."

My lips quivered. The Malfoy Manor... that was not a place I ever wanted to be. So far away from a magical train and London... how was that even possible?

My first thought didn't make me a better person either: what if the Malfoys had something to do with it? Albus saw how my skin's colour was about to leave me and added:

"Scorpius' dad found you when he was wandering around the house. Now everyone else thinks he has something to do with it. Especially uncle Ron, who almost ripped him apart that day."

"And why am I in St Mungu's now?"

"You wouldn't wake up. We all went back to Hogwarts, but after your mum took a closer look at you, she decided to bring you here first."

My head began to spin at the flood of information. I was gone? In that short amount of time where everyone passed out, I disappeared?

"How long did I go missing?"

"You were found on the same day, late afternoon," he replied. Speaking about it made him uneasy, as I observed him closer.

No wonder - everything he said made no sense. My gaze rose up to the ceiling. Every bone on my neck hurt at the movements, as if I had just woken up from a deep, 200 year old slumber. My limbs were still adjusting themselves - melting from their ice age in an excruciating pace. I forced myself to breathe.

"That cannot be," I muttered. Just when he wanted to ask something, the door flew open.

A petite young woman headed towards me in big steps and laid a hand on my forehead. Her face was tensed, yet calm. The dark brown eyes fit her image perfectly; slightly scary, but serious. To keep her dark, wavy hair off her field of view, she had them tamed in a bun which held them at bay.

"Mh-hm... I see," she spoke, while checking my pulse as well, "Yes, yes. Lookin' good. Ha!"

Her sudden exclamation almost made me jump. Obviously, her personality didn't match her serene looks after all.

The dark shadows and small wrinkles vanished and were replaced by a wide, beaming smile from the nurse.

"You're doin' fine. The potion thankfully worked well on ya. Can you move?"

"Not quite," I grunted, still not on my best state. She nodded.

"No hurry, dear. We'll have to keep you here 'ntil we're sure you're good t'go anyway. Rest 'nd eat lots. I'll send someone t' bring you some lunch. Your parents will 'rrive 't any moment."

"They're not here already?"

"Oh dear, no. They constantly visited you, but I told 'hem that your state wouldn' allow you t'wake up anytime soon. V'ry bad curse t'hit ya. They refused to go, until a few weeks passed 'nd nothin' had changed. Your mother kept on droppin' by, though."

"I was cursed?"

The more I heard about the events, the more I was convinced that I was going insane. If it was a curse, though... what if everything with that kidnapper truly never had happened?

"Still might be," the healer gave back, "Th's is why we need t'make sure everythin' 's back t' normal an' you're stable 'gain."

Once more the door swung against the wall, revealing my parents and aunt Ginny.

"Rosie!" Dad exclaimed, his arms already held out for a beary hug.

The healer didn't have any intentions to move aside, whatsoever.


: This chapter is dedicated to you, ii_stitch_ii, for being such a great reader. You not only read the fanfic, you share your thoughts openly with me. I can't put into words how grateful I am for that. Thank you for the constant feedbacks and support - it didn't go unnoticed. (:

@all ~Thank you for reading so far. Don't forget to vote or comment!


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