⌘ Chapter 3

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"I'M NOT SCARED of you

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"I'M NOT SCARED of you."

I was, but did he have to know? My convincing skills were far above that.

So was my pride.

"You will be," was all he said as he knelt down next to me and brushed a strand of hair off my forehead. His face was still unrecognizable, thanks to a piece of black cloth covering everything, but the eyes. The dim light didn't allow me to recognize anything more, due to its weak glint.

"Rose," he whispered when leaning closer, tickling the goosebumps out of my back. If I could have snapped or move, I'd done it long ago - unfortunately, the chains had drained me out so badly, I could barely hold my eyes open. One undeniable thing that made my ears ring more, was the softness in his tone. I hadn't heard it before, but hearing it now blew off every fuse in my mind.

I know this voice.

I know who this is. But it can't be...

It made no sense. How could it be him? My eyes lingered in his again. They were as black as the darkness around them. It was as if I had studied them before.

"What do you want from me," I grunted. Whoever he was, he would pay for what he did.

"Do you really not recognize my voice? How can I make it easier for you?"

"Why would I recognize your ridiculous voice," I snapped, more enraged and exhausted at the same time. A deep chuckle was his response.

"Am I that unknown in this dimension?"

"How about pulling your bloody mask off," I suggested instead. I was boiling in anger. If I only could...

"How about you quit being so bossy. I really don't want to hurt your pretty face," was all he had  to say, which enraged me even more. Suddenly I had an idea. Not the best, but it was worth a try.

"Coward. So scared a little girl could hurt you that you chain her down like this?"

The guy's expression seemed to harden. I tried to set on a mocking smile, which failed due to my weakened state. Even speaking felt like a battle.

"You wish I would be. Good night, Thorn. I know you're too weak to stand against these shackles. Perhaps tomorrow, we'll have more luck together. Just the two of us."

He leaned in closer and pulled the cloth off his face - kissing my forehead in a swift touch - as his lips wandered down my face. If he wouldn't be so close, I would have recognized him. He, on the other hand, hadn't forgotten that, from the cautiousness of his every moves.

Only inches separated our lips. I could feel myself tense up and tried to back away, but I couldn't. Of course I couldn't. I was a trapped prey; and he was my hunter.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to meet you," he whispered, sending more shudders down my neck. What was he doing to me? It was a strange, torn sensation that I could not make out. Sure as hell, it was of nothing thrilling.

I could barely think in my state anyway - maybe that was the issue.

"Rufus! Lock the door up."

Said so, he hopped back to his feet, leaving me alone in my misery. Another guy - Rufus, I guessed - appeared with a bang next to the guy's taller stature. He was smaller and had large ears.

A house elf.

"Aye, master. Any more wishes regarding the girl?"

"No. Leave her be - I'll be coming tomorrow again. Make sure we will be the only ones here. I don't want to be disturbed."

"As you wish, master."

The lights around me slowly died out, taking my energy with them. I was left with the shadows in the dark, staring me down and a paralyzing chill.

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