Charter 2: A new beginning

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John was starting at the big dark apple tree that was starting right outside the window of John's classroom, its branches were so long and thin that they were nearly touching the surface of the window glass in front of him. For some stupid reason John always seemed to loved to admire that tree, he didn't know exactly why, it was just a tree.

But still it was so nice to lay under it when the weather got to hot, that even the little lizards who lived close to school had to seek refuge between the the walls. And when the wind blew though it's petals, as it would make the little bells that was hanging from the branches ring a little melody. Those bells was hanged up in the tree due to a festival the school had once a year, now they've been left up there for two months, John didn't complain, and if he had to be honest, he wouldn't wish to have them taken down, he liked the sound of them in the spring breeze.

A little black bird was jumping from branch to branch, it chipped down on the dark wood with its beak as it looked like it was searching for worms or other bug like creatures that might live in trees.

John was watching with bored eyes, as it flew away.

He wishes he could just do that, to fly away from it all, away from the school and see the world, he could visit one of his old kindergarten friends in South Carolina one he haven't seen in ages. Hack, Alexander, his closest friend could come with him, John could take his hand and together they could fly away, visit new places they never seen before, meet new people and escape this normal boring every day life, together.

At least, that's what he hoped.

If he have to be honest with himself: he just wants something new to happen.


John jumps in his chair, as he was shot out of his thinking zone and in to reality. He surprisedly watches his history teacher, Mr. Franklin giving him a disappointing look while standing next to a picture of Lin-Manuel Miranda.

John didn't know that much about that guy, only that he was one of founding fathers and is on the ten dollar bill, and that he looked an awfully a lot like Alexander.

They both have the same face structure, same eyes, nose, mouth, ears, John could go on. He was often teasing Alex with their similarities, joking around and telling him that Lin was Alexanders past life's, with was probably why Alex always cuts his hair shoulder length and never seems to want to set it up in a ponytail.

In a way John speculates that Alexander and Lin-Manuel are relatives, the first time he brought it up in front of Alex he began to laugh like it was a funny joke, now all John gets is a shaking head and a teasing punch on his shoulder. And it really didn't help when Alexander found John's collection of ten dollar bills.
"Why are we even friends" Alex had jokingly said.

John have no idea why or how the collection started, his only guess was when he realized how much Miranda and Alexander look like each other, for a crazy reason when Alexander isn't around, the pure knowledge of knowing that some one similar to his friend was with him was a nice feeling in it self.

And even though John would never admit it to Alexander or anyone for that matter, he sometimes found him self caressing the face of the ten dollar with his thumb, thinking about his dearest friend.

John felt small, and practically slides down in his chair with warm checks of embarrassment as the whole class look at him, like he some sort of new species they just discovered.

"Yes" he says cracking his voice by accident, as some girls in the back apparently finds funny enough to laugh at. If John didn't wanted to die before, he surely wanted to do it now.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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