Getaway From Me

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Flaaffy: Whatever. Feeling good isn't anything compared to winning this race.

Buizel: Don't get too confident. I'm winning this.

Oshawott: WE'RE winning this.

Bellossom: Well, good luck trying guys. (The six all laugh together. Glaceon looks back at them from further up the boat)

Glaceon: Ugh. Look at those guys. Living the dream. Making friends.

Lefeaon: Yeah and we're stuck with Sylveon and Jolteon as baby sitters. (Pauses) You getting tired of them walking us through every challenge?

Glaceon: (nods) I'm sick of it. They are our siblings, and I love them but we're not the same age as Eevee.

Lefeaon: Today, we're gonna have to think of a way to blow past them!

Glaceon: Yeah. Or we could-

Jolteon: (butts in) Hey you two. Just checking in.

Glaceon: Please stop. I'm begging you.

Jolteon: Okay sheesh. Sorry. You do know I'm just doing it because I love-

Glaceon & Leafeon: GET OUT!!! (Jolteon opens his mouth when the fog horn sounds, meaning they arrived at Aruba)

Sylveon: Alright we're here! Let's get to the Rhydon Box!

(All the teams are shown signaling taxis, getting in them and heading off; inside the Fortune Tellers taxi)

Banette: What do you think we'll be doing today Froslass?

Froslass: Shall we ask the ball?

Banette: (chuckles) Nah. I'd rather be surprised.

Froslass: True. I also wonder if we should give other teams warnings of stuff it predicts.

Banette: No way! The Gardeners didn't even listen to us last time. It's more fun to watch them struggle and suffer. (Pauses) Oops. Did that sound malicious?

(At the beach of Aruba, the Athletes, Ice Skaters, Pichu Twins and New Friends taxis arrive)

Togedemaru: (hits the Rhydon Box) Here you go Pachirisu. You read it.

Pachirisu: Thanks. It's an either or, surfs up or dive down. (Shrugs)

Togedemaru: Eh. Both sound stupid. (Pachirisu narrows her eyes) What!?

Rhydon: (to the camera) In this either or challenge, teams will have to do one of these two challenges at the beach. They can either surf a full wave without falling of the board OR they can go diving for a pretty pearl. Once they've competed either, they must head north until they find the next Rhydon Box.

Pachirisu: It also says here that while surfing, one must go on the others shoulders. (Thinks) No offense but you'll probabaly drop me so let's dive. (Heads off)

Togedmaru: Hey! I could too carry you! (Runs after her)

Pichuette: Let's follow them. They were my favs from season two. I'd love to talk to them.

Pichu: Sounds good to me. This is gonna be awesome!

Machoke: Definitely surfing. I could carry you with one finger.

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu