My True Feelings....

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Later at building 5, Samon is in his office working on his files until Inori came in and asked him a specific question and you know what he's going to ask her. 😉😉

"Hey Samon got a question for ya."

"What is it Inori? I'm busy."

Samon asked curiously while focusing on his work and drank his coffee.

"Do you like no.1315?"

Inori asked curiously causing Samon to spit his drink out of astonishment from the sudden question that he just asked.


He shouted flustered by the sudden question.

"Well due to the fact how close you and no.1316 have got, it's so easy to tell how much you like this girl."

Inori assumed while slouching on the couch, but Samon brushed it off and denies his feelings for Chiyo.

"It's nothing like that, I only see her as a close friend. Besides, she's an inmate, and I'm a guard. We're both different people."

Samon assured him denying his feelings for Chiyo, but Inori remains unconvinced.

"Mhm that's what they all say Samon."

Inori dryly remarked with Samon raising his brow at his remark.

"What do mean by they?"

He asked curiously as Inori formed a smirk, he pointed his thumb to the three inmates who are standing there with deadpan looks.

"What the- why are you three doing here? Get back to training!"

He demanded them however none of them seem to listen to his commands.

"Samon we all know you have a crush on Chiyo."

Upa bluntly stated with Liang and Qi agreed with him.

"I do not! She's just an inmate!"

He flat out denies it, but all of them remained unconvinced.

"Are you sure?"

Qi smirked skeptically.

"I do not, now get back to training!"

He demanded getting very irritated with the inmates however Liang walked towards him and asked.

"Samon, how do you feel about Chiyo?"

He asked curiously as Samon spun his head away from his gaze.

"Why are you asking me this?"

He asked curiously.

"Because I can see you as my rival."

He intently replied with Samon slightly smirking at his remark.

"I'm you're rival huh? You a lot of nerves to say that t me."

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