Love Turns Into Lies...

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As Asami ran and ran and ran away from the Sakamaki mansion, she stops to take a break from running too fast as she sits down next to the tree. She was lonely and sad as she starts to break tears again, heartbroken about her brothers abandoning her for the blonde girl.

"I miss them....but they forgot about me...."

She sadly spoke as starts to cry again sadden by her brothers' neglect and pushed her away, a man with gray hair appeared.



She look up at the young man with gray hair with teary Hazel eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

He asked as she narrowed her eyes at the ground.

"'s..nothing serious....."

She replied.

"Are you lost."

The young man with the messy brunette hair asked where she shakes her head. Then the young man with blonde hair came up to her and pat her on the head surprising her.

"Hey! Don't be so gloomy there, why won't you stay with us?"


"Yes, it'll be dangerous to be alone by yourself out here."

The gray haired man assured her.

"Can I really stay with you?...."

She shyly asked with the gray haired man nodded.

"My name is Ruki Mukami and you'll be staying with us at the Mukami mansion."

He stated as the blonde haired guy grinned at her.

"I'm Kou Mukami, nice to meet you!"

"Yuma Mukami."

The brunette guy introduced himself.


The young boy with light gray hair asked as she slowly raised her head, she slowly forms a smile.

"Asami Sakamaki...."

She introduced herself shyly with Ruki tilting his head.

"So you're from the Sakamaki mansion huh?"


She nodded smiling a bit.

"Then let's take you to our house shall we?"


She nodded again as she smiled even bigger, she felt love and care for the first time from the Mukamis. Later in the mansion, Asami happily eats the food that Ruki made.

"Wow! The food you made is great Ruki!"

She cheered as she continues eating her food causing Ruki to narrow his eyes.

"T-Thank you Asami...I didn't mean to surprise you or anything...."

"What are you talking about?! This is amazing!"

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