Ghost Finds His King

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I've been in San Francisco Bay, for a few days, now. I'm in the library, and this kid keeps giving me weird looks. He's been subtly following me around the library for a while. He has that emo look going for him. It's strange. I walk behind a shelf, so he can't see me. Sure enough, he comes around, pretending to be looking at books. "What are you looking for?" I ask him. "Oh, um. A cook book." He seems startled that I'm talking to him. "But this is the historical fiction section." I point out. He looks at me like I'm some sort of fascinating discovery.

"Hey... I don't really know how to ask this, but..." He trails off. "Maybe you should try to just say it?" I give him a questioning look. "Ah, okay. Are you dead?" He asks rather bluntly. I blink at him. How did he know? "What makes you think I'm dead, exactly?" I say, with an amused smile. "You haven't answered my question." Well, he's certainly direct. "Heh, so what if I am?" I chuckle. "I'm just curious. Because, I heard that a couple days ago, a boy matching your description came to camp, claiming to be Jason's cousin." He gives me a suspicious look.

"Listen, I never claimed to be alive; and everything that I have told him about myself is the truth. Just not the whole truth. Please don't tell anyone. He's the only family I have left..." I explain. He sighs, and looks me in the eyes. "If you're dead, you're supposed to stay dead, and away from the world of the living. And I've already told my boyfriend my suspicions about you; he's been listening the entire time." He points behind me, at a blond haired boy. He walks over to us. I look at "Please. He's the only good thing I have in my life." I beg. They both look like they want to help me; but something's holding them back.

The emo boy sighs. "I'm Nico, this is Will. Why, and how are you here?" He says, looking somewhat resigned. "My name's Ben; usually it's spelled in all caps, but the normal spelling isn't wrong." I tell them. "And I'm here because I found out that I had living relatives. As to why I'm not off in some sort of land of the dead, I'm not completely sure. This is just how it's always been since I've died." I say. "What have you been doing this entire time, before finding Jason?" Will asks me. I look at the ground. "A lot of not so good things. Can we sit down?" I say quietly. They look at each other, before nodding, and gesturing for me to follow them.

We sit in some chairs by a window; and I get ready to open up a bit more. I tell them about the LoZ game cartridge, my death, and what I've been doing. "There are other people kind of like me. Some are dead too; and some aren't. The internet calls us 'Creepypasta', but we don't all live together in a house, or anything. And please, do NOT ship me with anyone." I say, with an eye-roll at the mention of shipping. Nico looks like he's in deep thought, and Will looks like he wants food.

Finally, Nico looks at me. "I think you should tell everyone the truth. If you don't, they will eventually find out, and I can't say how they'll react. I won't tell anyone, unless you want me to, though." He says, and looks at Will. "I agree with what he said. You can't keep that hidden from him, if you want to trust each other. We're all used to weird things anyway. We believe in second chances." Will smiles at me. These two, just meeting me, knowing what I've done, but still supporting me, makes me feel so happy inside.

"You're right, I need to come clean. Thank you." I grin at them. Will smiles back, and a ghost of a smile forms on Nico's lips (See what I did there? Ghost? *Laugh*). "Hey, what about these other people you were talking about?" Will asks me. "Let's just say that some are far worse than me, and a few aren't. Someone might try to find me, eventually; I'm not sure." I sigh. "And the ones looking for you? Are they friendly or not?" Nico leans toward me. "I don't know... It could be either." I frown.

"So, do you want to come clean right now?" Will asks me. "Yeah," I nod "before it's too late." I look up at them. "Will you guys... come with me?" I ask hesitantly. They both smile and nod. We get up, and leave the library. I guess I really do need to be completely honest if I want to have a family again. I have a feeling I can trust them. But the earlier conversation... Someone actually could be looking for me. What do I do then? I don't want these demigods, these people that are my hope for a happy life, to get hurt because of me. Guess I'm going soft... But, maybe that's okay.

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